Chapter 3

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Where else would Chase Rennard have a palatial home but in Kensington?
Sidney gasped as her breath caught in her throat. His estate ran up the hill into the vast woodlands. His long sweeping driveway was lined with Beech trees. The estate continued as far as her eye could see, easily stretched over five acres of picturesque land. The lawn, moss green and expertly manicured must be a nightmare to maintain.

As Chase slowed the vehicle through the unending driveway, she gasped pleasurably at the scenic lake, giving it that infinity effect into the woodlands. Oh how she wished she could have pulled of that infinity effect on her property. But the neighbouring properties too close to hers, just killed any attempt of an infinity water feature. He had such beautiful flora in abundance in and around his lake. She was no expert but she spotted water lilies, and tulips nearby, Sage wood, giant Bell flower, flowers in bright red that resembled poppies.

 ‘Oh my, like one’s very own heaven of a botanical garden,’ she whispered with delight.

Chase smiled at her child like delight.

‘Chase this is so exquisite! I could live here.’

Did I just say that last part aloud?

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment. ‘What I mean is__’

‘It’s okay Sidney,’ he smiled, placing a soft kiss on her lips.

‘Can we__, can we walk to the lake please?’ she asked excitedly.

‘With pleasure,’ he parked the car under one of the trees and went around to open her door, holding his hand out to her.

Sidney jumped out, pulling his hand with haste.

‘Where’s the fire?’ Chase laughed.

She stopped.  Leaning on Chase’s arm, slipped of her pencil heels, and let the soft green grass tickle her feet.

‘Oh, this is like being in heaven!’ she smiled.

 Chase caught his breath as he watched the animated joy on her face as she rushed to the lake. For so long he wanted somebody to share his appreciation of the peace and tranquility of his estate. The women he generally dated were only interested in him buying them fancy designer clothes, being seen in classy restaurants, and they were only interested in the fast life in the city. Heck all she’d seen was the garden and she was in her element, drooling!

He picked up her stilettos and followed her to the lake.

‘Is that a Crossbill Parrot?’ she gasped, spotting its distinctive features.
‘Yes,’ he murmured, slipping his arms around her waist as he stood behind her, ‘and this evening, if you’re lucky you may get to see a Short toed Eagle.’

Sidney leaned her body against Chase, letting his strength mould her body against his. ‘An eagle! Here?’

‘Yes, I don’t see him often, but on the odd evening when I stroll around here, I spot him drinking water from my lake. I took a picture of him, and showed it to a bird crazy friend of mine, and she confirmed it to be a Short-toed Eagle.’

She? Just how close was he to his bird crazy friend?

Well she was not jealous. 
Men can do the platonic thing.  Can’t they?
Sidney extracted herself from his arms making a show of observing the landscaped gardens. She noted the expertly designed conservatory, its design indicative of the Victorian era.

‘It’s all so beautiful,’ she murmured as she turned around and caught Chase’s eyes on her.

His eyes dark with unmistakable desire, ‘Shall I show you the piece de resistance, in my humble opinion,’ he grinned, pointing to the home itself. She smiled, nodded in acceptance, aware that the tension and excitement was building in her, just as it was evident in Chase’s eyes.

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