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They approached Potos, right next to Astris , on that island they could be from one end to the other in record time, it was an island that could be traveled practically in a day. There was a lot of tourism and the shops were very good, everything very different from American life, there were people whose English she understood very well and others responded in Greek. Lexa tried to understand them, but they spoke too fast, the first day she responded to everything with Kaliméra:

- I'm going to look like a fool answering that- she said to Clarke- can you call me a slut in Greek now? Kaliméra, Ti kánis?

- We look like two idiots, at least you know how to say hello.

They bought clothes for that weather, Clarke bought everything from dresses to shorts and short-sleeved t-shirts with straps. Lexa was going to go for suits, but the blonde was completely against it:

- You're not going to go dressed like that, you're traveling, not working.

- I'm not going to wear Clarke dresses.

She made her buy Bermuda shorts, to show off those long legs she had, which by the way looked like a model's, some low maroon Converse and above all tank tops, the swimsuits could not be missing, they were on an island, Clarke had not said it out loud, but she had gotten the urge to take a good swim. No serious clothes, they were on vacation, for the first time Clarke had left the United States, at least she would enjoy it and for once Lexa let herself be dressed in a colloquial way, you could say that she had a great time, she was putting and taking off hats:

- With how serious you are, I was very surprised to see that you have a tattoo.

He told her while he put one with a photo of the island:

- I think it was my only drunken night- he explained- I don't usually drink, the night of the end of the year, my sister and my wife, at that time we were just a couple, they made me angry and you know how given to doing stupid things, I disappeared for a whole weekend, I spent almost a fortune, partying, on people I didn't even know and one of those mornings I woke up with that on my back- he shrugged- anyone could take it off, but so far it hasn't bothered me

Clarke narrowed her eyes and put on a mischievous expression, she took off his cap and put a hat on him:

- So Lexa Woods has her rebellious and wild side- she curved the corner of her lips- until now I have known the unsociable Lexa, the Cro-Magnon Lexa and the Lexa who gets married at the first opportunity.

- You got me, every weekend I go to Vegas to marry a different girl - he took off his hat and left it in its place - don't tell my mother, because then she will kill me

They walked through the streets of that town. Little by little, Lexa Woods began to behave like the charming and sweet one, at least she was more civilized and Clarke was grateful for that:

- You think a lot about your mother- she laughed- you're thirty years old Lexa, you should wean yourself a little

- I adore my mother Clarke- she answered seriously- I loved her as a child, as a teenager and I will adore her even when she is no longer with me, she is the woman who gave me life, who accepted me and accepts me as I am, she is the only one who believes me and who above all, has never abandoned me or lied to me, of everyone in the universe, she is the only one who has remained by my side through thick and thin.

- Why did you get mad at your sister and your girlfriend at the prom?

Clarke waited for an evasive answer, as always when the subject of her late wife, her sister or her past in general came up, the tattoo was the first time she told him about it without being reluctant, who knows, maybe the fact that they were traveling would relax him:

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