The two walked towards an abandoned diner — it was derelict but Linda didn't care, she'd eat — or drink — anything at this point. "So, what made you finally wear an honest-to-God costume? I mean, maybe it's cause you're a lady Wolverine or something which makes you want to actually—" Linda held her hand up, "Shut the fuck up." Wade did as she said for approximately five seconds. "My suits red so they can't see me bleed — but I told you that already. But I could see how yellow would be useful too." Linda stopped in her tracks — they were only a few feet away from the diner, "Have you been checked for ADHD?" She questioned with a quirked brow. Wade shook his head, "Mm-mm." Linda huffed and walked into the diner, Wade following close behind as he continued speaking.
"But I've had several STDs, which were probably caused by ADHD." Linda rolled her eyes, "Sounds pretty dangerous." Wade shrugged. "Hey, at least I never spread them. I'm not evil." Linda walked around the counter and searched for the strong odor she could smell, "You're annoying as hell though." Before Wade could respond, an empty bottle went flying past him, "Woah!" He exclaimed as Linda groaned, "Fuck!" Wade tried to peek over the counter, "What're you looking for?" Linda didn't answer, instead popping up with a bottle that Wade couldn't make out in her hand, "Oh thank fuck." Linda muttered before unscrewing the cap.
It was rubbing alcohol, "No, no, no, no, that's rubbing alcohol. You don't wanna..." Linda began chugging it, "drink that." Wade sighed as he watched — it was actually kinda hot — "Oh yeah. There you go, fuck that liver." Linda exhaled as she tossed the empty bottle to the floor before the two sat down at a booth. Wade pulled his mask off which made Linda a bit taken aback, "What's with those staples?" Wade looked at her, "Oh. Back in civilian life, I wear a toupee, but nobody knows." He chuckles while Linda smirks, "If you're wearing a toupee with staples, everybody knows bub." Wade sighed, "Wanna talk about what's haunting you, or should we wait for a third act flashback?" Linda nodded as she leaned back in her seat, "Ah... go fuck yourself."
A beat of silence passed before Wade spoke again, "Um, you know — in my world, you're..." he cleared his throat, "You're well regarded." Linda scoffed, "Yeah, well, not in mine." Wade tried to relate, "They don't like me much in mine either." Linda cocked her head to the side, "You don't say." Wade doesn't mind her words as he looks down, "I wanted to be something you know, I... shit, I wanted to be an Avenger." Linda shook her head, "Fuck the Avengers. Better without 'em." Wade solemnly smiled, "Yeah. I didn't make the cut — same with the X-Men." He shook his head — "When my girlfriend left me, and I just..." Linda's ears perked up at the word girlfriend, "You had a girlfriend?" Wade looked at Linda in the eye, "Yeah. Vanessa. When we met, she was a dancer. We had a whole life. It was good, but oh boy, I just... fucked that right up."
Linda can't help but remember her own past with having to get by before she met Charles — she tried to shut that part out of her memories but now and again she got reminded of things — she herself was a dancer at a moment in time before becoming a mutant with adamantium bones — after that she became a sex worker, then a cage fighter, she hated her life. "But you, you were an X-Man." Wade's words brought her out of her own thoughts. She shook her head, "Fuck that." Wade continues, "You were the X-Man. You... The Wolverine." Linda's eyes brim with tears and she looks down — she shakes her head. "He was a hero in my world — and a guy but that's beside the point." Linda sniffles, "Yeah, well... the Wolverine ain't shit in mine."
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