(Opening shot: fade in to a close-up of Nightmare as she laughs. Zoom out as at the end of the epilogue, then cut to Mayor Mare in the crowd.)Mayor Mare: Seize her! Only she knows where the Princess is!
(On the end of this, three pegasus guards matching the appearance of ones who pulled Twilight’s chariot—white coats, gold shoes, saddles, and Roman-style helmets—fly up and close in on Nightmare.)
Nightmare: Stand back, you foals!
(Her eyes burn white, producing more lightning that hurls the trio backwards; more laughter, and she wraps her mane/tail around herself and vanishes. The blue-violet mist makes a beeline for the open front door, snaking through the panicked crowd and the dazed guards. Meanwhile, Applejack has kept her teeth locked on Rainbow Dash’s tail ever since the end of Part One; the Technicolor flyer finally snaps it loose and charges after Nightmare. Cut to outside as she gives chase.)
(The fugitive is too fast and has too great a head start, and Rainbow can only hover and watch as she clears the edge of town.)
Rainbow: Nighttime…forever?...... Insanity?
(Hoofbeats from ground level; she spots Twilight galloping out, with Spike—still unmoving after he fainted—on her back.)
Rainbow: Where’s she going?
(Wipe to a close-up of the little dragon asleep in a basket. He comes to with a start after a few seconds. Details of the floor indicate that he has been deposited in the library.)
Spike: (half-dazed) We gotta stop Nightmare!
(Out he goes again; a blanket is draped over him and Twilight eases close to look him over.)
Twilight: (softly) You’ve been up all night, Spike. (turning/walking away) You are a baby dragon, after all.
(The lights go out and he snores quietly—right through a commotion that shakes the entire room for a moment. Its source is the fully lit reading room, where the camera is trained on the books scattered across the floor and being flung into view. A ladder leans against the wall for use in reaching the topmost shelves, and a large table stands in the center of the room.)
Twilight: (from o.s.) Elements, Elements, Elements…
Jesters... Jesters.... Marx....(Head-on view; she voices a loud, frustrated groan while levitating book after book and letting them fall. This shot fully frames a large sun painted on the ceiling, whose edges were only glimpsed during Part One.)
Twilight: How can I stop Nightmare Moon without the Elements of Harmony?! And how do I stop her bringing someone back?! (Rainbow flies into her face, good and angry.)
Rainbow: And just what are the Elements of Harmony? (slowly backing her up) And how did you know about Nightmare Moon, huh? Are you a spy? (She gets yanked back, hard.) Whoa!
(Applejack is now on the scene and has again put her teeth to use in reining in Rainbow, but quickly lets go and gets a dirty look for her trouble.)
Applejack: Simmer down, Sally. (Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy come in.) She ain’t no spy. (All five move closer.) But she sure knows what’s goin’ on—don’t you, Twilight?
(The new pony in town turns this over for a second, then drops her gaze.)
Twilight: I read all about the prediction of Nightmare Moon. Some mysterious objects called the Elements of Harmony are the only things that can stop her. (looking out a window at the moon) But I don’t know what they are, where to find them. I don’t even know what they do!
Marx: One Of The Three Jesters Of Insanity
RandomThe pony say I'm crazy but I prefer the term: INSANE.