Marx Is Back?

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The light stopped and showed Marx smiling big and luaght.

Marx: I'm finally back! And I'm free!!!!! (he looks around and sees the princesses and the mane 6)

Celestia and Luna: Oh no! (scared)

Twilight: This is Marx?!

Celestia: Yes...

Marx: (grin) Well, well, well,what do we have here? (It is approaching Celestia and the Moon) Celestia! Luna!  You have changed in recent years! And if you've gotten older,(realization) so that means Star Swirl is gone! (grin)

Celestia:That doesn't mean we won't stop you!

Marx: (luaght) You think you can stop me? You forgat what I'm capable?!

Celestia: Even so, that doesn't mean we won't try!

Marx:(look at the readers and shrug) Whatever. (He starts to make a huge ball of magic from which strange laughter can be heard.) Bye bye.

(Mane 6 and the princesses are scared of what will happen. Marx threw the magic ball at them and when it made contact with the Celestia horn it began to deflate like a balloon. That made them all confused, including Marx)

Rainbow Dash:(blink) ........ What?

Marx: (he tries to do it again, only now only a few sparks come out) What's going on?!

Twilight: (smiles) The elements may have set you free, but they seem to have made your magic even weaker. (her friends and princesses grin)

Marx: (He panics) No! No! I've waited so long and this is what is happening to me?! (He tries to fly away)

Celestia: No you don't! (She puts him in a bubble so he doesn't escape) I think it's time for you to pay for your past deeds. (That made Marx frown at her.)

To Ponyville:
(Everyone celebrates the defeat of Nightmare Moon. . A team of pegasus guards pulls a chariot bearing Celestia and Luna—on the ground, rather than in the air. The wheels have a sunburst design worked into the spokes and a crescent moon on the axle hub.)

(Spike bulls his way through the crowd to give Twilight the biggest hug he can manage, given his size, and all make obeisance to the sisters once they leave the chariot. The six core members have removed their jewelry. Celestia smiles gently, while Luna seems a bit uneasy before the crowd and two pegasus fillies fly up to place a wreath of red and white roses around her neck. She directs an uncertain, slightly teary-eyed little smile at Celestia, not entirely understanding how these complete strangers could forgive her but accepting it all the same. And you can see that Marx is still in the bubble upset that after so long he still can't take his revenge)

Celestia:  Why so glum, my faithful student? Are you not happy that your quest is complete and you can return to your studies in Canterlot?

Twilight: That’s just it. Just when I learn how wonderful it is to have friends, I have to leave them. (Back to the pair.)

Celestia: Spike, take a note, please.

(Cut to the little guy, standing between Applejack and Fluttershy with quill and scroll in hand. The two ponies have begun to smile again, and he starts to write.)

Celestia:  “I, Princess Celestia…” (Back to her and Twilight) “…hereby decree that the unicorn Twilight Sparkle shall take on a new mission for Equestria.”

(The others brighten considerably when the camera shifts back to them and pans across the line.)

Celestia:“She must continue to study the magic of friendship. “She must report to me her findings from her new home in Ponyville.”

(The uncomprehending look on said unicorn’s face gives way to a grateful smile as the other five mob her, shouting congratulations.)

Twilight: Oh, thank you, Princess Celestia! I’ll study harder than ever before!

(Cheers all around as confetti and streamers rain down. Dissolve to a long shot of Ponyville and zoom out slightly before Pinkie pops up in the foreground. An “iris out” to black begins around her as she speaks, her words directed at the camera.)

Pinkie: Isn’t this exciting? Are you excited? ’Cause I’m excited, I’ve never been so excited! Well, except for the time that I went— (Gasp; the “iris out” retracts a bit, then resumes.) But I mean, really—

Marx: (offscreen) SHUT UP! (spre Marx) Can you once decide my fate so that I can have peace for myself?! (annoyed)

Rainbow dash: Oh yea I forgot about him. (to Celestia) What will you do with him?

Celestia: (smiles) I thought I'd leave him with all of you.

Mane 6 and Marx: (shocked) WHAT?!

Marx: Please tell me you're lying! Put me in Tartarus instead or torture me! Anything but not that!

Applejack: Your Majesty, why do you want him to stay with us?

Celestia: I thought all of you could make him good again. I think you can teach him what friendship really means. And when his powers are completely restored, I hope he will use them for good.

(Mane 6 look at each other and nod)

Twilight: We'll do it, Your Majesty. (bow with her friends. Celestia smile at them)

Marx:(grumpy) I shoud stay as a stone statue than this. (growls)


Marx: One Of The Three Jesters Of Insanity Where stories live. Discover now