The Ticket Master

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(Twilight Sparkle, Marx and Applejack in the Sweet Apple Acres orchards. It is daytime. Each has full baskets of apples on their back; Spike rides atop Twilight’s as she catches up to Applejack and they begin to walk together. And Marx who obviously didn't want to be here. )

Spike: (tossing away apples) No…nope… (He continues to do so under the following.)

Applejack: Thank you kindly, Twilight, for helpin’ me out. And even you Marx. (jostling her own baskets slightly) I bet Big Macintosh I could get all these Golden Delicious in the barn by lunchtime. (close-up; giddily) If I win, he’s gonna walk down Stirrup Street in one o’ Granny’s girdles!

Marx:(complain) Why did I have to come? I wanted to stay in the treehouse until I died.

Twilight: Because you have to learn to become a better pony. And helping someone in need is a good example.

Marx: I'd rather fly to the sun to cure my suffering.

Twilight: However, all this help made me a bit hungry.

Spike: I know, right?

Marx: Shut up. All you did was to sit down.

Twilight: He's right Spike, You’ve been lounging on my back all morning while we worked.

Spike: Exactly! You three are taking so long, I missed snack time.
(That made Marx hit Spike with his hind legs and then fall)

Marx: (glare at Spike) It would be faster if you help too!

Spike: Okay, okay, calm down.

Twilight: I guess we better get some food.

Spike: ( checking apples again) Nope…worm… (finding a bright red one) Aha!

Twilight: (licking her chops) Oh, Spike! That looks delicious!

(Before Spike devoured the apple, Marx grabbed the apple from him)

Spike: Hey!

Marx: Don't look at me like that. You were going to devour it without giving us something of the apple!(He divided the apple into three pieces, although his piece was larger. And forced them into their mouths to eat)

Twilight: (smile) Thanks Marx.

Marx: Whatever. (roll his eyes)

(Spike suddenly makes as if to vomit, but instead lets off a belch of green fire that materializes into a scroll. It floats down to the trio.)

Twilight: It’s a letter from Princess Celestia! (Spike takes it, clears his throat, and unrolls it.)

Spike: (reading) “Hear ye, hear ye. Her Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria, is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala, to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot on the twenty-first day of…”

Spike: …yadda-yadda-yadda… “cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest.”

Twilight, Applejack: The Grand Galloping Gala!

(The two ponies, now jumping in place with excitement.)

Twilight, Applejack: The Grand Galloping Gala!

Marx: (In his mind) That stupid thing still exist?

(Spike, meanwhile, is having none of it. As they carry on, he makes a disgusted face and sticks a finger toward his open mouth as if to make himself vomit. The real gag reflex kicks in again; this time; his flaming belch resolves into a pair of gold tickets that float down toward him.)

Marx: One Of The Three Jesters Of Insanity Where stories live. Discover now