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You used to stare at fires as a kid. (*obviously)

These may or may not be your star signs, but you definetly have the characteristics of a:

Leo, Scorpio, or Sagittarius.

(*tell me if you have a different star sign you feel fits and i'll probably add it.)

If someone fell, you'd probably laugh first, but help them anyway because you like to think of yourself as a goofy yet kind person. (*either that or a fucking murderer)

You enjoy watching those speed videos of things growing, especially the ones were a living thing is slowly deterriorating.

You like warm colors,

Orange, red, sometimes yellow, or white (*occasionally cool colors, blue or purple, they're just not your main.)

You either don't like people who hurt innocent animals, or you LOVE to hurt them yourself (*there is no inbetween.)

You like pvp games.

You like world destroyer games.

You like that campfire thingy that plays on the tv. You could fall asleep to that shit.

(*comment if you think I could add anything, or if I just spelt shit wrong😇.)

What your KOTLC power says abt you (*Keeper of the Lost Cities)Where stories live. Discover now