Chapter 10

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He thought he saw the Trandoshan’s eyes widen in surprise, or realization or, horror. In a moment’s time, the trandoshan’s body was wrapped up in a yellow burst of fire. From his chest outward, his body broke apart at the molecular level. Whisps of yellow orange flame danced around his disappearing shape. He head was the last to go. The heavy repeater clattered to the forest floor, suddenly silenced. Brine rose to his feet, now feeling a half dozen new aches and pains.

He opened his eyes. A large wookie paw had lifted Gizzk up in the air like a youngling’s cuddle toy and then slammed him down on the ground. Huhunna picked the Trandoshan up again, gripping him by the neck.  She roared in his face, causing his eyelid to flutter. She then proceeded to strike him in the good eye with the hilt of Jace Diran’s lighsaber. Again she hit him, full wookie rage engaged. Gizzk began to squeal and thrash in a panic trying to get away. But all of Hununna’s aggravation and frustration came to a boiling point and there was no one else to vent on.

Jace felt sorry for him for a second but the pain in his cheek and neck cured him of that. He dropped his head down on the ground and took deep oxygen thirsty breaths, trying not to pass out. He heard one last thud of a heavy body hitting the ground and all that remained was the heavy breathing of the Wookie, her rage subsiding

She stood at his feet as he lay on the ground. She howled and grunted with incredulous and frantic gestures with her arms. She was waving his unlit lightsaber hilt in her right hand, pointing it at him as she explained the missing med pack, the drone video, her hurried run over here.

“Huhunna … give me the …”

She raised both arms in the air, roaring.

“Calm down lady.” Jace soothed as he started to stand. “Just give me the lightsaber.” He held one hand out. “C’mon, we have to help the kids.”

Huhunna barked stubbornly one more time and gave him the weapon. Jace’s paternal instincts were starting to kick in as well. His brain was inundated with worst-case-scenarios, he couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom unless he could be there, next to her, controlling the situation and keeping her from harm. Had he really seen Leelah riding on Marrowyr’s shoulders? Was that real? Another vision? Was it mental leftovers from his anxiety over Leelah being so close to the rescue? According to Huhunna, it was entirely possible that she was at least somewhere in the forest being stalked by some alien species. His thoughts turned to Elliva and how he’d have to explain to her the loss of her only daughter to the wilds of Wasska. He found it a lot harder to bury those feelings.

From behind them, Brine Deegs called out. “The kids, sir, they went into the trees o’er there.” He was half limping, favoring his left leg. Blood in small trickles seeped from puncture wounds on his shoulders, neck and forearm. They decorated his clothing and his various other abrasions and bruising made Brine look like the walking dead. He was breathing steady though, and his resolve was even stronger. “You better take off, I can get the Perseverance and bring ‘er to ya.”

Jace and Huhunna raced down the road and launched into the forest. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of Gizzk, one hand bracing his eye, the other extended out in front of him feeling for his surroundings. He limped painfully down the road in the opposite direction, groping in the darkness.

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