Calling Through Fire

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Chapter Three:

The days seemed to drag by as Pippin roamed Minas Tirith in search of a way to keep himself occupied and out of Gandalf's way. He found a spot near the watch tower that was nice to sit and look out at the world. From his vantage point, Pippin could see vast mountain ranges, a valley green with plants, and plains. It was breath-taking for a hobbit who had never known anything but the rolling hills of the Shire and the rivers. Life out here in the world was full of war and despair.

'The Shire, full of wonderful things and no violence. And Merry, Frodo, and Sam. But I wonder about Penny and how she is doing back in Rohan, ' Pippin thought glumly, he missed her terribly.

His attention was drawn away from the plains by Gandalf calling up to him.

"Peregrin Took! Come down here, I need to tell you something," the wizard called up to the hobbit. Pippin thought it was probably bad news, like always. There seemed to be nothing good coming from these days.

Pippin climbed down the tower until he stood on the ground looking up at Gandalf.

"What is it?" Pippin asked.

"I am in need of someone to do a job for me. This would keep you occupied for a bit," Gandalf said with a small smile on his wise face.

Pippin really wanted to do something to take his mind off the war and Penny, so he gladly accepted the job.

"What am I to do?" Pippin asked.

"In times like this, in desperate and trying times, Gondor has often lit a fire in that tower that you are assigned to. This causes a chain reaction and acts as a way to call for help. I need you to light it and not be seen. It could reach Rohan and bring them here to help us. As Sauron grows in strength, we seem to not have enough brave soldiers. Can you light the fire Master Took?"

Pippin thought about it for a while. Calling for Rohan to help them would hopefully mean that he would get to see Penny and Merry again. With this in mind, he nodded confidently.

Gandalf explained how Pippin was to climb the side of the tower without being noticed and reach the very top. There, he would find a pyramid of sticks and any manner of wood. Hanging in a large bowl above this pile, was oil. Pippin was told to pour some oil on the wood. And just above the oil basin, was a small torch. Now all Pippin had to do was light the fire and get down the tower unseen.

Easier said than done obviously.

Pippin walked carefully to the tower and looked up. The rock here wasn't marble and white-washed, it was rough a gray like rock should be. He took a deep breath and began to climb. It was fairly easy since Pippin was a hobbit and hobbits can do these kind of jobs silently and unnoticed by men. Pippin slipped once when he was about halfway and clung to the rock to steady himself. Taking another deep breath, he climbed about another ten feet and slipped again.

'Breath in and out,' Pippin repeatedly though to himself and he made it up the rock without further problem.

On top of the tower, it was white-washed marble and the view was absolutely stunning. (Almost better than his spot near the watch tower!) He had no time to waste so Pippin carefully got to the top of the pyramid of wood. He had to be silent because there were tower guards close by.

Pippin reached for the basin of oil but it slipped fro his hands and doused all the wood. Now he reached up and pulled down the small torch. Pippin then dropped the torch to the oiled wood, and a fire roared to life. Now he had to get down before the fire got out of hand or the tower guards took notice. He got all the way to the bottom without slipping and ran over to Gandalf who had been anxiously watching from afar.

"Well done Peregrin," Gandalf said, "Now we must hope that it reaches Rohan, have faith and it will."

Pippin smiled at this. He really hoped it would. If Penny and Merry came, he would be overjoyed. Middle Earth might even stand a chance in the war against Sauron. And at the moment, it depended on a signal reaching Rohan and two other hobbits getting to Mordor and Mt. Doom.

A/N: Hey there faithful readers! Listen up for I ask a simple favor that can go a long way for a fellow writer in need of reads! She, (@LOTR_DW_YOUTUBE), would really like more reads on her story called 'Sherlocked In Time'. I know that there are some Sherlock fans out there! So would you guys please? Thanks! :)

And yes, I did finally update! I'm so happy with the reads I have! See that 800+ on my first book? That's all thanks to you guys! :D

This chapter is also dedicated to:

@livingyoung13 for her awesome comment(:

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