Chapter 3

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I stopped when I got to the bottom of the stairs because I over heard Dakota talking to someone. His back facing me.

"Yes I know... No... Leave my sister out of it!... Ya I know what fine. Just fine. I gotta go. Bye. " Once he hung up the phone I went over to him.

"Is everything okay Dakota?" I asked him. He jumped then turned around.

"Geeze ducky you scared the crap out of me," Ducky is the nickname he gave me when we were younger. "Yes everything is fine. Ready to go?" I nodded my head. I let Shadow out one more time, made sure everything but her toys, food, and her water were out of reach. Then we left.

About an hour into our walk we stopped for lunch. We went to our favorite restaurant, Texas Rode House. They have the best steaks ever.
"Kate I need you to be honest with me," he said not looking up from his plate.

"What is it Dakota?" I asked.

"Have you been hanging out with a guy named Andy?" why was he asking me this?

"Yes... Why?" I asked looking at him. He sighed then looked at me.

"He's not a good person Ducky. Hes done some bad things," he said. I dropped my fork.

"I know what he's done and im willing to look past it and actually get to know him. I'm going out with him tonight I don't care if you like it our not!" He stared at me shocked.

"Ducky I just don't want you to get hurt," I looked at him.

"I'm not going to get hurt. I'm to strong to get hurt," I said. Knowing that was lie. We finished eating then paid the bill.

"Hey I have to go see some other people, I'll call you later," he kissed the top of my head then left. I quickly got out my phone and called Hailey.

H- hey what's up?
K- pick up Abby and Rose then meet me at my house.
H- Okay I'll meet you there bye

I hung up the phone then started walking. As I was walking a black car pulled up beside me. The window was rolled down so I saw Andy. "Hey whats up beautiful?" he asked. I couldn't help but smirk.

"Walking home," I told him.

"Get in I'll drive you home." I looked over at him and he had this pleading look in his eyes. I sighed.

"Fine," I said as I was opening the door. He smirked. Once I got in he sped off. "Turn here," I said pointing to a street. He did as I said.

"So what were you up to?"

"I was out with my brother, until he had to go." I told him. He nodded his head. "What were you doing?" I asked, honestly I was curious.

"I my dear was dropping off a friend." We stopped at a red light.

"Turn left, that's my house." I told him as we arrived. "Thanks," I went to get out of the car but he grabbed my hand.

"I'll see you later babe," He said while winking at me. He let go of my hand so I could get out. As soon as I got to the door he sped off.

"Tell us everything!" Abby said as I was grabbing ice cream.

"Well he took me up to a spare bedroom where things got heated pretty quickly once he shut the door. I ended up pushing him on the bed and teased him. After a bit his phone rang and he had to go." I told them.

"So did you know..." Hailey asked. My eyes widened.

"No! I've never gone that far with any guy!" They all started laughing, after a few seconds I did as well.

"Anyways afterwards he texted you and told you he was taking you out?" Rose asked me.

"Yeah. He didn't even ask, but I guess that's how he does it. Honestly im probably just another girl he's going to try to get with then dump me when he's done with me." We all sighed at the same time. "I don't want to fall for him just so he can dump me. I don't want that to happen again." They came over and hugged me tight. I knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to erase the memory of Jacob from my head. It doesn't work that matter how much I wish it would.

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