Chapter 1: Letters (Edited)

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Her adoptive parents^^^
"Celina, sweetie? Could you get the mail. My shows on and I don't want to miss it" Debra my adoptive mom says, she is tan and has black hair, along with blue eyes and a small thin nose.

"Yah sure, it's not like Alex is gonna get off his butt to get it!" I call out, I hear her laughter as I walk towards the door. As I'm walking I look over at my sister, Sydney and see her on her phone and decide to tease her. "How's the boyfriend?" I ask really loudly in her ear.

She screeches like a banshee and falls off the chair she was sitting on, landing on her butt. She slaps my leg, hard as an echoing thwack is heard as her palm connect with the back of my calf.

I wince and start to feel the burn of a hand print sear into my leg, I look down and see my leg with a bright red hand print. I turn to give her a glare only to see her already glaring at me, when she opens her mouth to yell at me David's head pops into the room, looking furious.

"What's this I hear about a boyfriend!" he says as he glares down at my sister, she glares at me even harder in response. When I leave I hear David scolding her that we're too young to have boyfriends, my laughter emanates around the hallway. David has black hair, tan skin, deep blue eyes, and a bit of a beard.

I open the door and quickly see the mail box burst into blue flames, I run to put them out only to see they're already gone. The only thing that tells me it wasn't my imagination is the black scorch marks along the mailbox lid. Inside the mailbox is six letters, three addressed to Debra and two addressed to David and then there is one last letter.

It has no return address or even a mail stamp, it is not even sealed right. It has a red wax seal on the front of it with a shield on the front with 5 boxes drawn in. One in the top right has a black bird that looks like a raven in flight, another in the top left has a big black cat, I think it was a panther stalking something, another in the bottom right has a dog or maybe a wolf howling, then in the bottom left there is a horse with wings, next at the very bottom is a scaly fish like tale. But there is also another image between the top two images and the bottom three, there was a set of golden angel-like wings.

The most clear thing about this letter is what was written on the back-Celine, Alexander, and Sydney Birch- it was clearly written and obviously addressed to me and my siblings.

I walk inside and quickly without looking at them, hand David and Debra their letters. I go into my bedroom, it's a nice light purple with black designs.

It has my queen bed with my black comforter and black Egyptian cotton sheets and pillows in the middle of the room, on top of a big white furry rug. I have a black desk with my sleek silver laptop and black arm chair. In the corner of my room hangs my glass circular chair with a white cushion, beside it is the door to my bathroom. Which is stainless steel with white and black marble, it has a walk in shower with a state of the art electronic touch pad and to its right is my giant jet massage tub.

I have my very own walk-in closet that I love to death, don't get me mixed up with a girly girl though. It does not hold my high heels or dresses, like my sisters closet does, no mine holds leggings, jeans, jeggings, sweat pants, t-shirts, tank tops, sneakers, and combat boots. Now my favorite thing in my room, was my other little smaller walk-in closet with all my weapons that I'm skillfully mastered in.

My sword, foil, arrows for my crossbow and bow, obviously my crossbow and my bow, then there is my throwing knives, throwing stars, my shot gun, hunting rifle, and hand guns, lastly I had my throwing axe. I also have a dart gun that is filled with darts of my own creation that I sold to a military company for one million dollars.

They put the person to sleep in less than ten seconds and they will not wake up until you give them some milk as weird as it sounds to wash away the drug and best of all the dart has a targeting system, not only that but if you even try to fill my darts with anything else other than my special serum it destroys the dart. It has special spikes that shoot out and lock into the gun basically destroying your gun as well as making sure my creation isn't used for murder in the process.

Anyways I take my pocket knife from the shelf and cut open the letter reading its contents aloud-You the adoptive children of the Birch family are here by invited to attend Shifter Academy. Where you will learn how to shift into your chosen animal, you may bring a pet; a cat, rat, frog, snake, dog, or bat. Your books will be supplied for you and you will be living in the dorm of your shifter class. You will also also learn the shifter language~called Shifter.

There are rare shifters and we dearly hope we have some after the welcoming ceremony they are; the Mermaids, Arctic Foxes, Eagles, Panthers, and the Phoenix's.

You must obey curfew and all other rules of the school, failure to do so results in immediate expulsion and banishment from the shifter realm for 5 years.

1) Do not bring video games or cell phones they will not be permitted, laptops are allowed for school wise or communication to family. If you do not have a laptop we have computers in each dormitory, as well as phones.

2) Fights that happen out of training grounds and without supervision means stable duty for a month.

3) Curfew is at 10 pm to 5 am, you are allowed to be out if you get permission by the school or have a teacher with you.

4) If you have a mythical creature as your pet as they choose their owners, you will be responsible to take care of them and must do volunteer hours to get a stall to keep them in.

5) Do not under any circumstances sneak out to the forest at night.

6) Do not go to the town of Druidae any day but the day that happens once a week every Saturday when you are permitted to go.

We hope to see you all soon and are looking forward to what type of shifters you may be.
Sincerely, Head Master Higgins.- I rush out of my room calling to Debra.

"Debra! Debra?! You have to read this letter it's super weird and also kinda cool if it's real but it's probably not!" I yell out, as soon as I call out her name, she and David come rushing into the kitchen, also as soon as I said a letter they gave each out an almost disbelieving look.

I hand her the letter and she takes it and reads it then looks at my other two siblings who are oblivious to what is happening right now with Sydney on her phone and Alex on his Xbox they were in their own little world, she then looks at David wide eyed.

"They're shifters David, they got an invitation to the academy." She says in a almost awed voice.

"Are you sure we're talking about the same academy? The academy we went to?!" David exclaims, she nods and hands him the letter. He reads it, then looks up at me and my siblings. He walks up to Alex's Xbox and shuts it off as well as yanking Sydney's phone out of her grasp."Family meeting now!" He states staring at us as if saying 'I dare you to disobey me' so we all meekly follow them into the living room.

Shifter Academy: Book One Of The Shifter Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now