Chapter 11: Kick Ass

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A rather buff dude walks out whom I'm assuming is 'Sebestian' and chucks a sword and axe on the ground. Everybody looks towards me I take off my bow, then my axe, then my quiver, weapons belt, sword belt, both knife straps.

Everybody is gawking at how much weapons I have on, even the teacher. He motions me to enter, I hold up my hand motioning to one second then I reach down into my boots and pulls out both my boot knives and put them on the ground. Then I look at the teacher "Should I take out my hair pins because I can throw those too?" I question, he looks towards my hair pins and stares. My siblings and there mates are snickering in the corner,the teacher motions me to take out the hair pins. I do and it reveals that there actually tiny knives.

Even this Sebestian kid looks surprised I have this many weapons, I still have my potions belt on with the pouches of knock out and anti-knock out powder. Some kid points at them and says "What about those" I laugh a little "Does knockout powder count as a weapon?" I question, my siblings and there mates are still laughing quietly at this. Another kid questions "What's knock out powder?" He asks even though it is obvious and now my siblings and their mates are in full out laughter

"I invented it, come here I'll show you" I say trying not to laugh, this kinda bulky guy walks up, I pull out a handful of the purple with black specks powder and blow it into his face. His eyes roll back and he falls to the ground. "And that ladies and gentlemen is knock out powder, it's exactly self explanatory" I say still giggling a bit "How do we wake him up?" the teacher questions, I giggle a bit more "You either wait twenty-four hours for when he wakes up or I can use the anti-knock out powder" I say "Could you please give him the anti-knock out powder, please" he says a little annoyed. I pull out a handful of the anti-knockout powder it's black with purple specks. I kneel down and blow it on his face and stand up "Three, two, one, and zero." I say, he jumps up looking around everywhere. "Thanks for not doing it on me this time" Alex shouts out to me.

I turn to the teacher with an innocent face and ask "So is knock out powder considered a weapon?"

"Most definitely" he says, and with that I drop my potions belt and walk into the fight box. "Let the fight begin" The teacher announces sounding smug.

We circle each for awhile and he goes to kick my legs out from under me, but I jump up and do a spinning roundhouse kick to the side of his head, which he didn't even see coming, he falls down and I straddle him and pin his arms above his head and pin his legs down by using my feet to put the right amount of pressure on his knee caps so he can't move. The teacher counts to ten, while Sebestian keeps trying to get out of my hold, I smirk at him when he's counted a K.O.

The teacher walks up to me and says how long the fight was "Thirty seconds I'm impressed nobody has ever beaten Sebestian and you did it on your first try in no less than thirty seconds" The teacher looks at me with shock on his face. I hold up my arms and the class cheers and my siblings and their mates cheer the loudest all the while I can feel Sebastian's stare on me. I turn around and he's not glaring, he looks shocked and surprised that I beat him. I walk over to my weapons pile and put everything back on and put the two small knives back into my boots and the mini blades back into my hair making it in a bun once again.

"So am I not at the front?" I question smugly

"Yes, your at the front" He says

"Okay, while you guys are doing combat training do you mind if I practice knife throwing with Sebestian here?" I question nicely

"Oh umm I guess you guys are the best so alright" He says, Sebestian walks over to stand next to me

"Come on" I walk by and high five my siblings and there mates, then we walk to the range "How good are you at throwing knives?" I ask him

"I bet I can beat you at the 300ft" He says

"How many knives?" I say quickly, confident I'll win.

"Four" He says right away, I pull out my thigh knives and my boot ones. He just takes some off the shelf, we throw them all and go up to the targets and check them, I have all of mine in the bulls-eye mark and he has three with one just out of the Bulls eye. "Your pretty good" I say. While he's mumbling under his breath about missing, "Shut up! You are really good almost as good as me, okay so stop being upset" I scold him

"Let's do some archery" I say happily and he starts to perk up and we shoot two arrows he's got two bulls-eye and I have one bulls-eye with another going into the other one, which split it in half. "That's really good" I cheer at him

"Your better" He groans

"I just have a lot more practice then you" I say

"Wanna go do axe throwing" He says

"Yes, let's go" I say enthusiastically

We get our axes out of the holders and throw them at the dummies,mine goes straight into the head and his goes right threw the head "How did you do that" I say wanting to learn it

"How about I teach you this and you teach me better knife throwing along with how to shoot arrows better." He says smiling smugly at me.

"Deal" I say smiling back.

I am not changing this chapter very much as I'm happy with how it's turning out.
-Shifter Queen

Shifter Academy: Book One Of The Shifter Academy SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now