Chapter One

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"My, my," The elderly woman muttered under her breath along with a light giggle as her shaky hands lifted items from a cardboard box labeled 'Important'. Her fingertips brushed over top of an old photo album, a trail of dust being lifted off of the book as she touched it. Inhaling deeply, she blew on the cover in order to rid it of the thin film-like layer of dust. As the woman opened it, a neatly folded card fell from the book and into her lap. She reached down and lifted the piece of paper before unfolding it only to reveal a printed business card; That of The Warwick Hotel located at 65 West 54th Street, New York, New York. The place where it'd all begun. A small smile set upon her thin lips as her pale blue eyes scanned the writing on the card. Flipping it over in her hand, she noticed a familiar hand writing sprawled over the back of it. A phone number. One that'd since been long forgotten and changed many times. Memories began flooding back as she thought over the fateful day that she'd obtained the phone number. Not all that fateful at the time, but all these years later, she'd learned that that day had been just about the most important day of her life. After sliding the business card back into the book, she flipped to the first page. A mirror image stared back at her from the page: That is, her at eighteen years old. Standing beside the young version of herself was a man dressed in a suit and tie. His auburn tinted moptop cut was disheveled, his tie crooked along with the top button of his shirt being undone, and his deep chocolate brown eyes were squinted as if straining to see in which direction he was meant to be looking for the photo. The memory of that exact moment stuck vividly in her head. From the scent of the cologne the man beside her had been wearing, down to the smell of carpet cleaner wafting through the air as a maid cleaned the floor in the lobby. Allowing her eyes to slip shut, the woman began to remember more and more of that day.

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