Chapter Two

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February 7, 1964
The Warwick Hotel,
New York, New York

Rosemary Bostman stood before the large window of her hotel room with the curtains drawn, peering down at the sea of young girls that nearly completely surrounded the building. Most holding up signs, alot of them shrieking at the top of their lungs, and all pushing their way towards the hotel entrances: Hopeful to get a glimpse of their idols. The crowd outside the hotel was one thing, but the constant high pitched sound produced by thousands of early teenaged girls was a complete 'nother thing. On it's own level, even. It hadn't taken long for the guest to discover what all the ruckus was about, and it didn't really phase her once she had. The Beatles, the newest upcoming big musical group was staying in the hotel that she was, and nearly every girl in the UK and America would've killed for the chance to be where she was, most likely only a few floors away from the young English musicians. She'd been in town while visiting her parents and had requested for the hotel room months ago. Not knowing what she was doing at the time, she booked at the nicest hotel in the area. With a heavy sigh in response to the disruption outside the window, she turned away and began towards the bed. Just as the young woman turned her back to the window, a loud thumping noise was heard from behind her. As she quickly gazed over her shoulder, Rosemary's pale blue eyes fell upon a young girl who couldn't have been older than fifteen just hanging from the building. With a bewildered look, Rosemary immediately pulled the curtains shut and stood in place, stunned by the length that these kids were going to for four men that were completely out of their age range and more or less, league. Sure the one song that constantly played on the radio about holding hands was appealing to Rose, but not appealing enough to climb up a thirty-six floored hotel out of hopes of reaching the window that belonged to the singers before inevitably losing step and plummeting to death. With a heavy sigh, Rosemary grabbed her camera out of her luggage and headed out to the hallway, planning on venturing around and perhaps taking a few photos. Rosemary was an aspiring photographer who took any chance she could to get her work seen. At the young age of eighteen, it was an awfully difficult task. She'd photographed several weddings and the occasional family photo, but never anything major. She wandered down the corridor and up to the elevator where she waited for it to arrive for several moments. As she waiting, the young photographer hung her camera around her neck by the protective strap. Once the elevator finally arrived she stepped in and pressed the button that would bring her to the bottom floor - The lobby. After the short ride, she stepped out of the elevator and into the lobby where a crowd was gathered around two big double doors. Some sort of hall that could be rented for big events. As her eyes met the scene, her curiosity took over and she strolled over to join the crowd. Many others wore cameras around their necks, though much nicer ones than hers. Some wore hats that read the word 'Press', and most just wore typical suits or dresses. As she stood in the back of the crowd, Rosemary wasn't able to tell what was going on past those crowded doors. As she began pushing past people, much to their avail, she heard the word 'Beatles' several times and assumed what was past those doors. Rosemary had never been a big Beatle fan. She hadn't purchased all of their LPs so far or pasted photos of them all of her bedroom or freaked out when she heard that they were coming to New York, though she was never against them either. Her view on the band stood as neutral. Eventually, the petite girl was able to sneak far enough through the crowd to make it to the front. The door was off to the side of the huge room, and gave her the perfect view of the four men who were sat behind several tables adorned with microphones of glasses of drinking water in what seemed like a press conference. Not sure of how much longer she'd be able to look as if she were with the press, Rosemary brought her camera to her face and directed it on the boys, beginning to snap shots of them as they answered questions asked by people in the room. She got several individual photos of them and quite a few group shots before putting her camera down though leaving her eyes on the four men, examining their physical features. Each of them had qualities that were immediately eye catching; One had high cheekbones and a crooked smile, another had wide doe eyes and high eyebrows, the one beside him had bright blow eyes and a cute nose, and the last had a perfectly proportioned face, though his look was a bit scruffy compared to the others. As she could tell, the scruffy one was the leader. He lead the responses and spoke the most. She'd only picked up on three names, John, George, and Paul. Figuring the last name would be as typical as those, she didn't think twice about immediately figuring the word Ringo of the possibilities. Soon, the press conference was over and people began filing out of the room. The ones that seem to have had gotten enough material left while others stayed. Rosemary stood around the lobby, waiting for the four men to exit as well. It took quite a while for them to join the crowd in leaving due to the amount of people surrounding them. As they made their way across the lobby, Rosemary got the crazy idea of approaching them and asking for a picture. She pushed through the crowd once again until she made it to right before the boys. The first one she noticed was the scruffy one. Reaching out, she grabbed onto his suit jacket and tugged in order to get his attention. Surprised that she was being sowed that close to him, she wasn't nearly as surprised when he actually turned to her. His eyes were squinted and he blinked more than a typical person. The flashes from the cameras seemed to have been irritating his eyes, and Rosemary felt bad. She figured he wore glasses on a normal basis and had forgotten them. As he turned to face the young woman, she immediately spoke up and told him what she wanted: A photograph with him. Before anyone could say otherwise, she offered her camera to someone and asked them to take the photo. Quickly wrapping a single arm around the waist of The Beatle once he agreed, she posed with a sudden wide smile and the photo was taken. After retrieving her camera back and thanking the musician, she turned to head off. Just before she had there was a tug at the jacket she was wearing which caused her to turn back around. It was, surprisingly enough throughout all of the chaos in the lobby, the same man she'd just been photographed with. Without a word, he offered her a slip of paper and smiled before turning on his heel and continuing to speak with journalists and what not. Stuffing the piece of paper into her pocket, she smiled to herself. For someone who had no idea whatsoever about the band nor cared for it, she was quite starstruck. After that Rosemary returned to her hotel room where she hung up her camera and slipped off her shoes and jacket before sitting down on the bed and reaching into her pocket to retrieve the mysterious slip of paper she'd been offered by one of the four men that every girl in the US longed to meet. When she found it, she unfolded it slowly, only to reveal that it was a business card from the hotel. Rather confused and a bit bummed out, she tossed it onto the night stand beside the bed and rose to her feet once again before heading into the bathroom to ready herself to sleep. When all was done, she crawled into the bed and tuned on the bedside lamp. Picking up the business card again, she read over the printing to make sure she hadn't missed anything. Curiously, she flipped it over to reveal what she'd missed. A messy phone number was scrawled over the back along with the words 'Call Me, John'. Her heart skipped a beat as she read the words, confused to no end. What would a Beatle want to do with her? With a small grin spread over her pale lips, Rosemary reached over and set the card on the table before turning out the lamp. Planning on calling the phone number the next day, Rosemary fell fast asleep once her mind finally allowed her to stop over thinking the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2015 ⏰

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