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@celebritea  #CassieKing spotted leaving a club in LA with yet another mystery man at her side! Fans say they were very touchy and flirty

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@celebritea  #CassieKing spotted leaving a club in LA with yet another mystery man at her side! Fans say they were very touchy and flirty. This is the third time Cassie has been spotted with a new man this week! Rumour has it she's been going off the deep end ever since she and #WesEvans publicly broke up two years ago! Our question – shouldn't she have gotten over it by now?

tagged: @cassieking

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@user1 she's such a slut tbh

@user2 literally not that deep get over him already cassie🙄

@user3 what a good example she's setting to all the kids who listen to her music😍
— @user4 be so fr no kids listen to her music and if they do their parents should be under investigation

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