Chapter 1

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Sky Pov
I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing into my ears, making me suffer as I slightly fell of my bed. I stood up and walk through the door.

"Honey! You should get ready today's the day that you're moving with your brother" my mother said. I went down the stairs and sat on a stool.

"I don't get why I have to leave. *pause* Yes I know, it's because of your job. But I could just stay with grams for a bit" I had a big plate of chocolate chip pancakes in front of me and in seconds it was gone.

"Sky, you know I'll see u like every month right? Oh and while I'm visiting you, you can tell me all your boy problems with ca-" I cut her off.

"NOO! But why move in with boys 2 of them , you know that's dangerous" To be honest I was kind of excited about it. "It's your brother we are talking about not a rapist and you know the rest of the boy's personalities its not like bad things would happen" and after that I kind of choked on my water . I knew something bad would happen knowing Cameron and myself.

I was out the door in no time. I got to the airport. I went through the security and blah blah blah you know the rest. I sat waiting for my plane to be called and its been like what, 5 minutes? I decided to go pee. I walked up to the front desk and got immediately greeted by a blonde lady.

"Um excuse me ma'am where are the restrooms?" I politely asked. She gave me a warm smile and pointed to the left. I ran towards it and being as stupid as I am, I accidentally entered the men's restroom.

I immediately turned around and walked out the door. As soon as I turn to the right I bump into a tall figure. My purse fell and some of my makeup materials spread across the floor. The tall boy helped me pick them up while we kept eye contact. "What were you doing walking out of men's restroom?" He chuckled.

"I was in a hurry really I wasn't paying attention to where I was going..." We kept staring at each other until the strange boy spoke up. "Well I'm Bryce and who are you?" He smirked while I blushed.

"Im Sky nice to meet you but I got to get going so bye" I walked away embarrassed and feeling like a complete idiot. I texted Cameron telling him in about 10 hours he should leave his house, I really had nothing to do and I wished time passed by at that moment.

"Los Angeles plane now boarding..." The speakers yelled. I entered and found my seat. I was always so nervous when I get on planes just something about them makes me feel uncomfortable. My thoughts were interrupted by someone.

"Oh hey it's the girl who came out of the men's restroom" he smiled. "Oh hey Bryce nice seeing you here" I smirked. Whenever I see him he gives me that happy vibe you know?

"So I'm your buddy for the next 10 hours huh... Might as well just ask questions about ourselves to kill time" I thought it was a cool idea so I nodded.

- About an hour later -

"So what school are you gonna go to?" He asked. "Woods high school" He had a blank expression on his face. I knew something was wrong. "Im moving with my brother and Im glad because my mom has been an ass to me lately" I add.

"Umm... I go to that school actually I wish I didn't though and shes probably really nice just like you " He gives me another one of his warm smiles. I knew he'd probably be a good vibe to be with around school. I mean summer started two months ago and I'm really excited for school. It's coming up next week.

- more questions -

My plane landed and as soon as I got off  I gave Bryce a huge hug and exchanged numbers. Now I had just to find Cameron and his friends ......

Restless // Dakota BrooksWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt