5| Champ

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"How i already learned this, i don't need to study, you know since im basically perfect. So you could study on your own." He smiles at me like if what he said was a normal statement that you would casually hear everyday.

Gosh he is so cocky. I turn my head and give him a look. Becky hold your horses before you stab this kid up the booty hole. I give him a fake smile and turn to my book.

Tomorrow is the test and i can't have distractions. I need to pass this test unless i'm trying to get my phone taken away and also my monthly allowance.

"Well I'm glad that you don't need me for assistance." he says tapping my shoulder.

I turn my head quickly and give him a glare.

"Woah sweet cheeks, are you on your period or something? I have money to buy you pads if you need any." He winks at me.

This time I'm actually mad that he winked at me, cause last time i wanted him to wink at me. But he has gotten me real mad and i don't need this, all i want to do it study.

"Okay fine, you can reject my offer. Its fine. I was going to buy you the best ones also." He puts his hands up in surrender.

I roll my eyes and turn back to my book and re-reading the steps on how to do the equations, until i get interrupted again.

"Do you think red or blue looks better on me? You know since looking at you i see you have good taste, so pick for me." he smirks at me, then shows me two pictures on his phone. One wearing blue and the other red.

Did he just compliment me? He admits that he looks at me too. I am quite honored but can he not be so annoying right now or basically every single minute please.

All i want is a study buddy not an annoying buddy. I get annoyed enough by Kimmy and Cameron.

I look at the pictures, he is definitely very sexy. His jaw line, perfect bone structure. His body is like a temple. I think i'm drooling. He looks very good in both but he looks much hotter and sexier in red.

"Take a picture it will last longer." he says chuckling, i give him a blank stare.

"Ha ha ha so funny." i roll my eyes and face my book again.

"By the way red looks much better on you. Blue makes you look pale." i start reading my book again. Hopefully he doesn't interrupt me again because i will definitely say one or two words that i will regret.

"I look good in any color, i don't know what you are even talking about. Also i met this girl named Casey-" he interrupts me, so i interrupt him.

"Listen Austin, i am tired of you freaking interrupting me while i'm trying to study for a very important test. I don't need anyone and mostly you interrupting me at this specific moment, so can you please shut up. I don't give a shit about Casey, or the color that looks better on you, okay. I don't even care about your perfect self. So please shut up, I'm trying to study don't you see that. Your so freaking annoying, i kind of want to cut your dick off." I let out a loud breath, i think i said that pretty loud because everyone is literally looking at me, even Mr.Robbie.

"What is going on here?" Mr.Robbie said aloud.

Before i could say anything Austin interrupts me like always.

"Im trying to study for the important test that is going to be done tomorrow and Rebecca is interrupting me, telling me about which color shirt she likes better on herself and some other gossip. I don't even know her and she is bothering me.
I consider this as bullying because she is calling me name's. I'm actually hurt." he puts a hand on his heart.

Mother of a duck, Austin Mahone i hate you i really do. He is such a lier, he is the one bothering me. When i see him out of school, I'm going to kill him.

Why do i always threaten people by killing them and never do it. I should one day though, just kidding i would never.

"Rebecca say you are sorry. I can't believe you would do such a thing, you are one of my smartest students. I am very disappointed."

I can't believe Austin did this to me, he annoys me, gets me mad and even worse gets me in trouble in one of my favorite classes.

"Im sorry." i look at Austin straight in the eyes and i feel that he can sense my ultimate anger towards him.

"Its fine i accept your apology." he smiles innocently.

"Okay everybody, get back to work." Mr.Robbie said sitting back down at his desk grading Tuesdays bellwork.

He literally just embarrassed me in front of the whole class. Now they probably think I'm a bitch. Gosh whatever forget it, lets just get back to this freaking book.

"So how i was telling you about Casey, she is very hot. Literally the definition of it. Have you seen her ass, i would so bang that anytime." He keeps talking and talking and talking.

I turn my head and give him a straight face.

"So you think i'm perfect?" he licks his lips, gives me a smirk and crosses his arms. His muscles on his arm tense up and look very toned, turns me on a bit.

"What are you talking about?" i look at his face confused.

"You know. When you yelled at me and you said. 'I don't care about your perfect self.' Do you remember now?" i blush a bit and he chuckles.

Its not like i had any intentions when i said it, i was just repeating his words. Since in the beginning he said 'since i'm basically perfect.'

"You are so cocky that it is almost a disease. Why can't you leave me alone. You are the most annoying creature in this world." I tell him but not having attitude this time.

"Because annoying you makes you mad and when you are mad you look cute. Since your voice gets all high and your cheeks get red. Also i'm actually the most attractive creature in this world, not most annoying. That would be you." he says grabbing my cheeks.

True he is the most attractive creature in this world, but no doubt that he is also the most annoying.

"Don't ever touch my face okay. Do you know how disrespectful that is? But oh wait you don't know the definition of respect, since you don't have any. So obviously you wouldn't know what disrespect means." i give him one last smile and turn to my book.

"Sweetie don't try to act smart with me because two can play at that game, and letting you know i am the champ at acting smart." i turn away from my book for the hundredth time today to look at him.

He gives me the most proudest smile that is almost as cute as him.

"I get it. So this whole time you were acting smart? Since apparently you are the 'champ at acting smart'. Which means you are just normally stupid. That answers alot of questions actually." i close my book since i know he wont let me study anyways.

He gives me a death glare.

"You know what i ment Rebecca." he gives me a straight face

"Did i?" i say and give him a confused look. How he said two can play at the game and right now i'm beating him.

I'm the champ now.

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