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look at this map i made in btd6 ain't it ok-ish (could've been a better pic)

headcanon time

- can sisyphus push his tank up a slope somehow

- pretty fond of karaoke in freetime (most of the songs he's REALLY good at are either by buddy keys or from will wood's IN CASE I DIE album)

- straight, uninterested in intimacy

- dumbest headcanon - churchill has somehow become a parental figure for benjamin and etienne. somehow. idk. none of them are even related, but churchill opted to help teach benji how to deal with bloons, and it kinda started from there. also etienne was planned to be tutored by sauda and that just wouldn't work at all

- collects those fuzzy dice things you put in cars

- look i saw this really cute churchill x adora fic on ao3 once and it's my new headcanon nowww

- could probably carry someone

- 5'11 and a half

- probably a bit of an anime nerd... also likes those power ranger shows (especially ESPECIALLY when there's giant mecha robots and tanks)

- once drunk so much he blanked out and woke up under a bridge absolutely sopping wet (drunk churchill tried to swim a river) not to be confused with the time he got drunk on a odyssey and ended up getting fished out of the ocean by some unsuspecting angler

- might have a habit of trying to drown every time he drinks, so he ends up just being the driver

- lawful good

- about 35 maybe 36

update: holy shit i was correct with a few of these (suprising, yes)

update: holy shit i was correct with a few of these (suprising, yes)

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stupid idiot writes BTD6 headcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now