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Ana Pov

The steaming hot water pelting against my skin was welcomed. I gathered some coconut shampoo into my hands and lathered my long hair.

I’ve been Marcos prisoner for a week now.

It totally sucks.

The house is sealed in every way; barred windows and the main door requires a passcode that only the guards know.

Marcos and Talon haven’t been back since the day I gave them my blood. I’m not sure why they think I’m unusual but who knows could be a number of things.

Seb continues to avoid me which I’m perfectly fine with. I’ve noticed my hype is better kept under control when I’m not in tempting situations.

And Marie surprisingly has become a fast friend. Since the first night here she spent almost every night with me. We talk or more like I tell her all about life outside this manor. Poor girl is only twenty one years old and has been here almost her whole life. I haven’t figured out her relationship with Seb but I’m sticking to the assumption their secret lovers. I would ask but a small part of me doesn’t want to confirm its true.

The water turns cold signaling its past time to get out. Grudgingly I do so, wrapping the blue towel tightly around my body.

When I step out of the bathroom my senses instantly pick up the scent of another. A scent I recognize but was hoping I wouldn’t have to see this person again so soon.

“Come out, come out wherever you are” I say in mock teasingly voice

“Thought you’d never ask” Talon replied stepping from behind the shadows in the corner of the door. Such a creep. I walk over and flip on the light not because I need it to see but more because I’m used to it

“Why are you here?” I asked in a dull tone. I frown watching his eyes glide all over my body.

“It’s time for a vamp lesson newbie” He says when his eyes finally find my face

“Vamp lesson?” I question

“Yes. Now get dressed or better yet stay like that, quicker for me to take off” Talon says with his infamous smirk.

I fake a smile to throw him off and it totally works. He perks up thinking I’m flirting and I take the opportunity to swiftly dash around him and kick his feet out from under him. He goes down fast. I burst out laughing. He’s up in a second glaring at me

“That’s the last time that will ever happen” His anger filled tone makes me laugh harder

“All that matters is it happened a first time” I say gathering jeans and t-shirt before making my way back into the bathroom.


Ten minutes later Talon, Seb and I are in the middle of a huge bare room. Reminds me of a smaller version gymnasium, without the bleachers or hoops but plenty of mats. I look around wondering for the first time what this lesson was all about.

“There are three things you need to know about vampires. 1. All you’ve heard about vampires as a human is myth with the exception of blood lust. 2. Humans don’t believe we exist, let’s keep it that way. 3. Powerful vampires have abilities” Talon summed up.

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