There's no place like.....Nexus.....

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There's no place like.....Nexus.....

Talon Pov

Talon was growing more impatient by the second. This was taking a lot longer than he expected. It’s been three days since finding out his master was captured. And he was beginning to lose his cool. But he had a plan.

For his plan to work, he needed a partner; one that would obey his every command…

 Talon sat in the small motel room chair staring at the unconscious body on the cheap bed. She was exactly what he needed to get both his master and Ana.

 Because she was Kim…

 In the woods days ago he bit her but decided instead of killing her to change her. It was perfect actually. Kim was the only person who hated Ana more than he. Talon didn’t understand why she despised her own sister, but he didn’t care. See he figured Kim as a vampire would be the only one strong enough to kill Ana. Since Ana has an ability, Kim should also considering they are related. He would then use Kim like he has been doing and send her off to kill her sister and lead Maximus away while he broke Marcos out of the king’s prison. Perfect

Except the bitch is taking forever to wake up. Her final stage ended an hour ago and she still hasn’t woken. He was glad that her screaming finally stopped; last night he had to bind her hands because she tried to rip her own heart out! Luckily he got to her time or she would have killed herself permanently and he couldn’t have that.

Kim began to stir and then suddenly shot up from the bed gasping! She looked around the room in a panic; long auburn swinging with each turn of her head. Her wide eyes finally found Talon

“What happened? Where am I?” She asked still breathing heavily. As a vampire now she doesn’t need breath but newbies always act human the first few weeks.

 Talon stood and slowly approached her, his eyes glazing over her transformed state. He had to admit Kim looked better. Her body was toned, skin pale and flawless, her hair long and shiny and her eyes black as coals. Wait, black? He reached out a forcibly grabbed her jaw to bring her face closer to his. Sure enough her eyes were black; not blue like Ana or even red like royals. Fuck! That means she doesn’t have an ability.

“Talon ow, you’re hurting me” Kim whined. He let go of her and paced the small dingy room. He couldn’t believe this! If her eyes are black that means her and Ana are not sisters

“Ana’s not your real sister” He stated to see her reaction. Kim looked at him like he was crazy but then was distracted by the image behind him. She slowly got off the bed and walked to it. It was the reflection of herself. She reached out and touched the mirror before touching her own face.

“What’s happened to me?” She asked trailing her hand over her smooth skin

“What do you remember?” Talon asked back taking a seat on the bed. Even though she didn’t have an ability that didn’t make her useless. She could still kill Ana or die trying for all he cared.

“We-we were in the woods…. Ana got away… Your phone rang…You were so angry…and…” Kim cut off and spun around to face Talon. He only smirked already realizing she remembered

“You bit me! You-you’re a fucking vampire!” She yelled backing away. Talon began clapping

“And the turtle crosses the finish line!” He said sarcastically “But what your missing hot stuff is I’m no longer the only vampire in this room”

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