Emotional Roller-coaster

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Emotional Rollercoaster...

Ana Pov

This is so awkward. We all sort of just stood there staring at one another for a full minute. It might not seem like much but with the tension in the air it was excruciating.

"I'm so happy to see you!" Marie said sweetly breaking the weird silence. She engulfed me in a hug which I eagerly returned. I missed my tiny friend so much too.

"How did you guys find me here?" I asked her when we pulled apart.

"Well Marcos and Talon left to see Maximus that's when we took our chance and got out. Lucky for us most of the guards were human and not very well trained. We took out who we had to and ran. I knew you would come home so we made our way to this small town. We actually just got here and had no clue where to find you. Seb wanted to cross the woods and that's when we heard the loud music. We followed it out and here you are with him..." Marie trailed off the end bringing back the current awkward moment.

 I have no clue how to explain the whole Jace kiss so I'm just going to ignore it. Besides I don't even know how I feel about it

"Well I'm so glad you guys made it out safely" I said smiling at Marie whom gladly returned it. When I looked back at Seb though, a smile was the furthest thing from his face. This is just perfect. What else can go wrong?

"Hey! Hey! Best friend!" A loudly shrieking girl was sprinting around the corner. From the too tight skirt and bouncy blonde curls I knew exactly who this was. How the hell did she get here?!

She was still running towards us from the side of the house. Her impractical heels caused her to trip and fall face first into the grass. Oh gosh.

"I'm okay!" She yelled getting back up pulling down the shirt stuck to her fat rolls. I smacked my palm to my forehead. You have got to be kidding me!

"Hey best friend! I found you!" Lily said out of breath. I stared at the girl with my jaw dropped. She's nuts! That’s it!

"Lily, how the hell did you find me?" I asked rubbing my temples. If one more person shows up in this backyard I'm going to explode

"That's easy! I used your picture from the security cam at the house and hired a private investigator. With money you can find anyone. At first he couldn't find you like you didn't exist. But then your face turned up on some security cam at a shitty motel here. So I drove here, showed your picture to some teen boys and they said you would probably be at this raging party!" She told me excitedly. There is something wrong with this girl

"Why would you have someone track me?!" I asked very irritably

"Duh we are like best friends now! You saved me and I couldn't have my new BFF running around all homeless" she said like that made perfect sense. I could just scream right now!

I opened my mouth to yell at her for her clingy, crazy behavior but Simon cut me off

"Ooh I'm not feeling well..." He said rolling over onto his stomach. Crap! I can't handle all this shit right now! All these conflicting emotions running through me are enough to make me insane! Geez! My first party sucked!

Taking matters into my own hands I yanked Simon off the ground and tossed him over my shoulder. Both Jace and Lily gave me stunned looks. Probably not expecting me to be so strong. Right now I don't care. All I know is that I need to get away from this house before someone else comes back here and I literally hype out.

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