New Vampire...

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New Vampire...

Marcos Pov

Marcos was still fuming with anger from the events two days ago. For once in the last fifty years he decided to hunt instead of using feeders. He had it all planned out. Perfect isolated spot, beautiful girl, it should have been easy as breathing. That was until that stupid girl interrupted. If it’s one thing vampires hate its being interrupted during a feeding. To add insult to injury when he went to drain her life she bit him! The audacity! The rage inside him began to boil up again and he slammed his fist against the oak wood desk effectively splitting it in half. Great now the desk needs to be replaced.

He stood from his broken desk and paced his large office, thoughts turning back to the fat girl. There were two questions that swarmed his head like angry hornets. First why was her blood so sweet? Most humans’ blood is sweet to a vampire but hers however seemed different more rejuvenating. There was a power it but not from a line of witches of course. Witches and their filthy spells and foolish craft; hundreds of years ago they “blessed” as they call it their bloodlines repelling vampires from their blood. That fact alone ruled out her being a witch. But he couldn’t shake the feeling something about her blood was different. It fascinated him.

The second question ruling him was how on earth did she know to take his blood and start the transition? At first he wanted to chop it up to survival instinct but her actions combined with the taste of her blood put him on alert.

“Master I’m here for your afternoon feeding” Marcos whips his head in the direction of the small voice. There at the entrance of his office is a battered weak human woman. She was short and scrawny, her hair was dark blonde and unruly. He clothes were mere rags worn and dirty. He shivered in disgust as he approached one of slaves. He couldn’t bother to remember her name she was after all merely a meal to him.

He watched her for a moment. Taking in her timid stance and hung head. If he had a heart he might actually pity her. IF being the key word. Before she even took her next erratic breathe he swiftly lifted her by her neck sinking his awaiting fangs into it. He took all he could take without killing her before dropping her lifeless body to the ground.

Damn. He’s going to have to do something about strengthening his slaves. The blood loss is weakening them to the point of fainting. He stepped over her unconscious body leaving her on his office floor. He had more important matters to attend. The plan was to go see how the change is coming along with girl. At this point she should be suffering good and well. A smile crept on his face thinking of the pain she’s enduring. Serves her right stealing from him. In all his 500 years such a thing hadn’t occurred.

“Guards!” he yelled over the walkie to speak to them all at once. “Prepare the manor for my leave. This time Seb and Talon will accompany me. Report to the main doors at once.” He ended with authority. Several ‘yes masters’ were heard in response.

 Shortly after, he and two of his best guards were off to the measly town the girl was left in. He had to get some answers and if it turns out that she isn’t of any use to him well he’ll simply enjoy the show of Seb and Talon killing her. Seb is still human so the feeding would be from Talon and himself. Although if her change is complete her blood won't be as sweet being tainted by immortality and all.

By nightfall they had arrived to the small town. The three of them stood like shadows in the night around the abandoned house. Marcos inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of death that clung to the air around it. With a brief nod he signals the others that it was time to check on the girl that puzzles him. Without a sound they enter the torn down house and descended the stairs to the foul smelling basement where he left her.

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