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My head snapped to the window, I find no one but a man reading his book..

I swear someone was watching us!

"What is it?"
He Turned me to him by my chin, I got up from his lap before he could do something crazier "I'm going to ladies room"

It was not even a minute I entered inside the empty restroom, a door click open revealing wonwoo.. he locked the door behind him

"You are out of your mind!"
I whispered as if someone will hear us

"You are in ladies-"
He crash his lips into mine, stopping any words coming out of my mouth..

He pushed me until my back hits the wall, his hands on my ass as he lift me up
I try to argue but..

Screw public. Screw everyone

"You ain't expect me to do nothing after you idolise other men infront of me!"
He grunts
"You are lucky that I didn't fuvk you infront of everyone"

Moans was the only thing came out of my mouth..

Crazy that we did in the public restroom..
Yes.. crazy.. but I like it.. double crazy

Weeks pass, I start to get used to my presence with him..

Now, me and wonwoo came out of library as he carries my books

As we walk, I hear murmurs but i got used to the attention..

I take his phone out of his back pocket as his hands are busy with my books..  "I can carry my own books you know"
I said to him

He raises his eyebrow "if I didn't, you wouldn't have touch me inappropriately at school like this"

I said to him with a glare

I look at his phone, since it's just a text, I could read it from the notification.. it says 'thanks for the tickets, son'

It's clearly my uncle.. "since when did you start to communicate with my uncle behind my back?"
I questioned him

"You make it like I'm cheating on you"
His unserious respond got me

"Stop trying to take my family away from me"
I playfully respond to him

"I will stop once he approved of me"
He responds..

"He won't"
I ran away from him, smiling..

.. suddenly, I got bumped into a hard chest, I fall back on my ass.. pain flashes on my hip bone "ah"

"Watch where you are going"
He spit..

I apologise..

It's him, the one who was looking at me back in the field..

He walked away with a glare.. I stand up, dusting off dirt from my skirt

"What's wrong?"
Wonwoo catches me at that time.. his playful expression changes looking at me

I said.. it's best not to let him know this.. he might go crazy mad just for this

Later, I had an appointment with psychiatrist..

After having a conversation with him, I walked out of the clinic..

Soon enough, my eyes got on the view of wonwoo standing by the black car with yuri..

My nose flares with anger.. I crossed the road faster, trying my best not to make a run to him

I got more angry when I know wonwoo is supposed to pick me up and now, it's yuri talking with him is bothering me a lot

"You promised, Jeon"
She sings..

"I said I will think about it"
Wonwoo says bored

"You don't get to escape this"
She sings again

It's irritating!

"Escape what?"
I questioned, my eyes narrowed

I stand right at her back, she jumps at my voice and wonwoo looked at me.. he frowned! He don't look guilty

Right, he don't do guilty

"Make a noise, would you?"
She grunts.. "creep"
She added

I gave the same energy as her "what are you doing here?"

"I don't answer to you, bish"
She said, simply

"Watch it"
Wonwoo warns

"So.. she opens her legs for you?"
She turned to me "how does it feel to be a leftover, creep?"

She take steps towards me, wonwoo get inbetween us "leave"
He ordered her

She walked away after throwing me a glare

"What was that?"
I questioned him with a glare "what was she doing here? Why was she talking with you?"
I asked him the doubts

He pushed me inside the car, into the passenger seat before getting to a driver seat..

He closed the door harder..

"Pissing me off.. by your reaction, she succeed"
He answered me..

He is really pissed off but he has his hands on my thighs as usual..

All the drive, I was trying to find words to clear the tension between us..

Car stopped, I looked around, it's his house.. I forgot, we were watching a game in his home..

It's my first time here.. but we are-

I looked at wonwoo.. "wonwoo, I-"

I stopped when mingyu put his head inside the car's window "come on, bitches, the game's about to start"

When we are still inside, he kept banging on the roof of the car..

He really has the worst timing

And wonwoo just exit the car without any glance at me..

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