(02) Alone

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"Furin, the worst grades, but the best fighters. Slip through the crack, end up here. Factions brawl everyday to decide who's on top", Sakura imprises. "They say there's fights every day, even on holidays".

"And I'm gonna be the top dog there"

"Eh really?", you say jumping into the conversation, curiosity peaking.

"Well, somebody's aiming big", Kotoha voices.

"As if. I'm dumb as a brick. Fighting's all I know", Sakura admits coldly.

"What could be better than fighting to be number one?", the teenage boy questions rhetorically. "It's a fight to decide who's the worst of the worst", he remarks in a cool tone.

"That's perfect for me"

"You really have high hopes huh?", Kotoha asks, putting away a freshly cleaned pan.

"Yeah, that's a pretty big jump and dream if you ask me", you shrug calmly.

You and Kotoha then both stop in a moment of silence.

"Oh! That's why you're in your school uniform when school doesn't start until tomorrow!", Kotoha sings happily with a big grin on her face and you smile with sparkles in your eye.

"You're excited!", both you and Kotoha half yell in union and point at the monochrome haired boy.

The apples of Sakura's cheek heat up into a pinkish colour as he slams his fists onto the counter top.

"Wh... No! This is just...", Sakura stops for a split second.

"I just moved and I have nothing to wear!", he defends.

"I don't know about you but when I move I bring my clothes with me", you say amused at his argument and shrug.

"We get it, we get it. You're looking forward to school", the brown haired girl teases the poor boy with amusement present in her tone.

Sakura starts shaking in annoyance and abruptly stands up to face her.

"You wanna take this outside!?", he threatens, anger lacing his voice.

A second later, a grandpa who you knew as Yama walks past you guys.

"Tasty as always Kotoha", the man compliments the girl. "Money's on the table".

"Thanks! Good seeing you, Yama!", Kotoha thanks and greets joyfully as she walks around the counter to get to the old man as you also get up so you could greet the man.

"Hello Yama!", you greet with enthusiasm and the old man nods at your greeting. Hello Y/N", he replies with a warm undertone.

"Careful heading home", Kotoha reminds him.

"Yes, ma'am. See you again", the grandpa smiles at the girl.

"Hey old man", you and Kotoha hear a familiar voice say and the three of you, Kotoha, yourself and the old man turn around to face the owner of the voice.

You smile in amusment when you see Sakura holding a yellow mini bag.

"You forgot your bag", Sakura informs cooly.

You, Kotoha and "Yama" stare at him for a few hot seconds before the old man finally speaks up, "What a blunder!".

"Goodness me, I've been forgetting things left and right", he mentally face palms as he turns around to exit through the cafe door but not before handing you a few pieces of candy telling you to give it to Sakura as a thank you gift for the reminder and that it was originally a present for his grandkid.


Sakura is walking down the street thinking about the events that happened, mind suddenly going back to certain people.

You watch as he leaves and you and Kotoha go back to the countertop where you place the candies infront of Sakura.

"He told me that was a present for his grandkid and to say thanks for noticing", you inform the boy.

Sakura's eyes widen in shock before his whole face heats up in a pinkish red colour as he stares at you.

"Why are you blushing?", Kotoha deadpans noticing the Furin student's reaction to the gift.

"Huh!! Sh-Shut up!", he shouts angrily trying to brush it off.

"This whole towns messed up! You guys included!", he insults in annoyance.

"Huh?", Kotoha says in confusion.

"I look like this... and I'm wearing a uniform from a school of delinquents... Why would anyone say th... why would they thank me!?", he shouts the question out in confusion still flush.

You and Kotoha just stare at him without saying a word.

"Most people would be on their guard! Distrustful!", Sakura says loudly.

"I picked someone's wallet up for them and they accused me of stealing it!", Sakura reminisces. "You gotta atleast look inside! Be more careful!"

"So... Do you want people to trust you or not?", Kotoha question scrunching her brows together.

"Sakura", you address. "You made a good call choosing Furin", you praise as you turn around to face him fully, standing on your feet.

"But you won't be top dog there", you say crossing your arms looking at the ground. "You can't", you inform looking up at him.

"What?", Sakura snarls in annoyance mixed with confusion.

"As you are now, you might not beat anyone there, let alone be top dog", Kotoha follows up your statement joining you in your stance.

"Cut your crap!", Sakura shouts in anger. "You don't know how strong I am!", he argues.

"Sure, you might have strong muscles", Kotoha acknowledges and you nod.

"But you still can't be top dog at Furin", you say cooly despite Sakuras outburst.

"Because you're..."

"Alone.", you and Kotoha state in union pointing at him.

At you and Kotoha's cold words, his eyes widen and you and the brunette just look him in the eyes calmly.

Sakura starts shaking slightly before knocking down a stool speaking up and trying to justify himself, "I'm not so weak I have to rely on anybody else to win!"

He begins walking in you and Kotoha's direction but before he could past you guys you speak up.

"We're not talking physical strength", you say as Sakura continues walking. "You should go meet some Furin kids", you advise honestly.

"Then you'll understand..."

Sakura then opens the door and walks out.


Walking down the street, Sakura pulls out the candies the old man gifted him out of grateful gratitude and stares at them and looks up to the sky, thinking back to you and Kotoha's words.

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