On Route

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' Bye dad, Joe and I are off to the airport' I shouted presuming her dad could hear her, ' Bye.. Try to stay out of trouble Joe mate will you, and I'll see you when your back. Hold on I'll get up and see you before you go' said Dad, ' No dad don't worry, we really have to go.. There's a car waiting outside for us' I said. ' Ok, I'll come and see you away then' Dad said as he walked down the stairs.

When we where getting in the car I started to panic a little, it was the first time I had been to America and i know there's a really long flight ahead, were flying first class so I can maybe go for a sleep.. Joe is sitting next to me in the car and were almost at the airport, I hadn't spoke for a while and Joe looked over at me with a kind of worried look on his face he eventually asked if I was ok I replies with yeah I'm fine, because I don't want him having to worry about me when he has other things to be thinking about. ' Joe wait here whilst I go to the bathroom please' I said, ' I will.. I can see Alfie and other people I'm just going to get them but I'll come back' said Joe. ' Ok I won't be long, tell Louise to come and see me if she's there too' I said.

I went in to do my business and I heard Louise saying my name and my face just lit up, I hadn't seen her in so long and the first time I see her she might have to see me at my worst but it's ok because she's seen it before she is my best friend after all.

I had calmed down and went out of the bathroom, everyone was standing in a sort of circle thing just across from the ladies toilet. I saw Jim, ran over to him and jumped in his arms if you don't know who Jim is, he is my best guy friend and he's a fellow youtuber obviously. ' Hi I've not saw you all in forever!!' I said, everyone said hi back.. ' When have we to go to the gate?' Louise asked. ' we have about 3 hours to get checked in and go through security ' replied Marcus, ' Let's get to security just now, I've not ate anything since lunch.. I'm really craving a Pret ' Said Alfie, ' oh my, so am I.. Yeah let's go, Alfie's put me in the mood for that now.. Wait is there even a Pret here?' Said Tanya. ' I'm sure there is ' said Jim. ' Yeah there is one I got it before ' Said Joe.

We got through security pretty fast, went for food then it was eventually time to go to the gates.. We boarded at 10:45 pm I was sitting with Jim and Tanya, I slept most of the journey and when I wasn't speaking I was talking to Jim and Tanya about a lot of stuff because I hadn't seen them in a while.

Finally after 12 hours of being on an aeroplane.. We landed at LAX in Los Angeles, we got our luggage and there where cars waiting outside to take us to the hotel. There was youtubers that I hadn't met but I had watched who where there and I really liked one of them.. Shhh!!!

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