M:- Movies

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This is so bad bc I have no idea what happens at a drive in movie so I made it up..

Riley's POV

I checked myself in the mirror one last time before finally walking downstairs. It had taken me at least an hour to get ready, but I had to look semi-decent.

"Ooooh where are you going, dressed up so nicely?" Giselle asked, smiling at me. Her and the rest of the A-Troupe girls were sitting in the living room, watching a rom-com. It was supposed to be a girls night but obviously I couldn't make it, since I had other plans.

"Just out." I replied, not really wanting them to know.

"With who?" Thalia questioned, causing everyone else to look away from the TV screen.

I was going to reply but was interrupted by my sister.

"She's going on a date with James, that's why she took so long to get ready." She told them. The girls smirked at me, as I rolled my eyes.

"Has he finished the list yet?" Chloe asked. Gee, what was with the questions? I didn't really want to answer them, I just wanted to go, but I thought it was rude not to.

"No.." I said, and they looked confused. "I said that if he passed his drivers test, I would go to the drive in movies with him. And surprisingly he did, so that's where I'm going.." I explained.

"Ahhh, I see. Makes sense now." Chloe nodded.

I was going to leave but I realised that I needed to check something.

"I look.. okay.. right?" hoping I did. I know me and James weren't back together... yet, but it was still kind of a date and I wanted to look nice.

"Riley you look amazing. You could wear a bin bag, and James would still love you." Emily reassured me.

"He... he lo.. loves me?" I stuttered.

"Yes, you must be blind or something.. everyone knows that he loves you.. It's obvious. And plus he told me.. several times." She replied. "You fine now?"

"Yeah. I'm fine."

"One thing though Ri, please don't get pregnant tonight I really don't want to be an aunty so young." She said, as I went to leave. The girls all thought it was hilarious and were crying with laughter.

"Em, I doubt that will happen. We're not back together and I won't be doing more than kissing him on the cheek." I told them.

"Sure Riley." Giselle giggled, clearly not believing me.

I ignored them and walked out of my house. James had just pulled up in his car, which no longer had the 'L' - Learner plate on it.

I opened the passenger door and climbed in, smiling slightly at James who smiled widely back at me.

"Hi, I brought the money. A deal's a deal." I said, showing him the money I had brought.

"Ri, put it away. I'm paying.." He said, putting his hand on mine.


"No buts. I'm paying and that's final." He said, smiling brightly at me.

I smiled as James began driving, keeping his hand on mine. A few weeks ago I would have moved it off but, since we were almost back together I let it slide. He had done a lot for me already, so it was the least I could do.

The rest of the car ride was silent, with the exception of the radio. But it wasn't an awkward silence, it was a comfortable silence. We were just enjoying each other's company.

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