100 Truths About Me

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i was tagged twice, so thanks TNS_Micheldon_4_Life & _tnsreality rlly appreciate it ;)
i deleted the other ones of these so ive just got this now

1. Name: Caitlin
2. Nickname/s: Cait, Sarkycait, Regina, James and now thanks to Lena everyone's giving me nicknames with coat in it. thanks Lena😌
3. Gender: Female
4. Favourite Colour/s: Black. aren't I such a delightful person 😅
5. School: Not saying ;)
6. College: I don't go aha
7. Hair: Light Brown, but I'm getting it highlighted soon so..
8. Short or Tall: Well I'm 5'4 which is short compared to everyone at school.. Some of the first years are taller than me..
9. Sweats or Jeans: Pyjamas
10. Phone or Camera: iPad
11. Apple or Orange: Not too keen on either.. But probably Apple
12. Health Freak?: Is that a joke? Me a health freak? Phahahahaaha No.
13. Crush: Nobody rn
14. Guy Friends or Girl Friends?: If we're talking about irl then none.. jks I have like two and they're girls
15. Piercing: 2 in each ear
16. Pepsi or Coke: FANTA cos I'm awkward

17. On a Plane?: Si
18. In a relationship?: Well me and Chlo are Jiley so.. AHAHAHA No I haven't.. FOREVER ALONE :))
19. In a car accident?: Thankfully no
20. In a fist fight?: Nope

21. Besties: All my favourite people- Chlo, Lena, Leah, Maya, Maisy, Josie and the two friends I have in real life.. Rebecca and Adrienne (you won't be reading this but HI AMILLS)
22. First Award: Can't remember :/
23. First Crush: Idk
24. First Word: I would ask my Mum but I'm at my Dads so I can't
25. Talent: Wow I have so many.. Staying up til 4am on the Internet.. Loosing friends.... Writing crappy oneshots... Not updating for two weeks.. Being an unsociable sarcastic bitch.. I could go on but I'd be here for ever..
26. Last person I talked to: Lena & Leah on Sc
27. Last Person I texted: Someone from school, on Friday in English..
28. Last Person I watched a Movie with: My sister keeps having Star Wars movie marathons..
29. Last thing I ate: My lunch
30. Last Thing I watched: Well rn I'm watching my Dad and Sister play Star Wars on the Xbox (such a fun life I have)
31. Last Song I listened to: Don't Be So Hard On Yourself- Jess Glynne
32. Last Thing I Bought: A Mint Aero
33. Last Person I Hugged: My little sister, I was in a bad mood though..

34. Food: Chocolate
35. Drink: Hot Chocolate (do you see a theme?)
36. Bottoms: Pyjamas
37. Flower: Idk
38. Movie: Mean Girls
39. Subject: Music

  40. Fell in love?: Nope
41. Celebrated Halloween?: Yes
42. Been Broken-hearted?: By my Dad Yes
43. Been overseas?: Yep
44. Had Someone Like Me?: Nope ahahahhahahahahah
45. Been Pregnant?: Nope
46. Had An Abortion?: Nope, but someone in my year did
47. Regretted Something?: So many things
48. Hated how someone changed?: Loads
49. Broken a promise?: Yep Oops
50. Hidden a secret?: Too many to name
51. Pretended to be happy?: Everyday
52. Met someone who changed my life?: Yeah
53. Left the country?: Yesss
54. Pretended to be sick?: YESS AHAHAHAAH ALL THE TIME
55. Tried something I thought I wouldn't like but actually did?: idk
56. Cried at the silliest thing?: STORY OF MY LIFE
57. Ran a mile?: I don't run. At all. So no.
58. Gone to the beach with friends?: What friends? PHAHAAHA
59. Fought with a friend?: I don't have any friends left to fight with..
60. Been single for more than a year?: IM ALWAYS SINGLE


61. Eating: Nothing at the moment.. I'm hungry though but I just had lunch 
62. Drinking: Also nothing..
63. Listening: Nothing.. I have my headphones in though..
64. Sitting or lying: Sitting
65. Plans for later: Think of ideas for one shots, maybe write, watch tns, GO HOME (I'm at my dads)
66. Waiting for: This week to be over already
67. Want kids: Never rlly thought bout it..
68. Want to get married: ^^ same as above
69. Want to travel: Nah not rlly

70. Eyes or Lips: Dk
71. Short or Tall: Tall
72. Older or Younger: Idc
73. Romantic or Spontaneous: Idc
74. Troublemaker or Hesitant: Idm
75. Hookup or Relationship: Relationship
76. Looks or Personality: Hmmm... Personality

77. Lost glasses?: I don't wear them
78. Snuck out of the house?: To go where?
79. Held a knife/gun in defence?: Nope
80. Killed someone?: In my head..
81. Broken someone's heart?: AHAHAHAHA NOPE
82. Been in love?: Nopeee
83. Broken a bone?: 3
84. Cried when someone died?: Yup

85. Myself?: NOPE NOT AT ALL
86. Miracles: I'm not so sure
87. Love at first sight?: Nope
88. Heaven: Idk
89. Santa Claus: No
90. Aliens: Nope
91. Ghosts or Angels?: Not sure
92. God: I don't know

93. Do I wish someone special was here with me?: Nah I'm good
94. Do I know who my real friends are?: Yes
95. Are you going to post this as '100 Truths About Me?': Si

i don't know who to tag AHAHAHAAH so if you read this i tag you :))

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