Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
•|| Straight Up Attractive ||•

Mike POV

2 words. Tony Perry. He is in my car, driving with me to my house. I've waited 6 years for this although I'd preferred it when I was in high school.

He would walk down those halls everyday until we graduated and hadn't said a single thing to me. Not a 'hello, Mike' or 'sup'. Nothing to the one who always took his side, even if he didn't know it. The one who helped him get his first girlfriend. It wasn't that hard, I just told her, 'hey, you should talk to Tony, sometime.... Yea the tattooed guy with funky hair.' Or that's how it would have been if I hadn't opened my big mouth, one day and called him a pussy because he wasn't one to give into pure pressure. That day was set perfectly in my mind. My friends had offered him a smoke and I hadn't smoked yet and I wouldn't let them know that. He refused and came up with all this bullshit saying why smoking's bad. I really liked him but since I was part of the group, I had to do something that was regretful. (and I was slightly intoxicated) "Why are you being such a puss. Seriously, dude tell us, either you have the balls or not. Damn." After that little scene, he turned bad boy type and did everything a stereotypical bad boy did.

"Mike? Yo, Mike." Then I felt a sting of pain enter my right cheek. I turned and saw Tony with a face that held confusion and sorrow.

"Yea, what's up?" I asked as I took in my surroundings. I realized that we were at my place.

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