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(John's POV)

My head was pounding like crazy I had the biggest hangover of my life I had to take pain relievers so I got out bed at some random hotel I was in and I went to my bag to look for them as soon as I did I stop for a moment looks at these pain relievers and realizing these were the same one that I gave Nicole to I began to tear up "I miss her so much" I said to myself as tears were coming out ....

(Nicole's POV)

I felt weight off my shoulders as I woke up from this beautiful hotel in mexico but was still depressed that I wasn't sharing this moment with john "thinking about it will make it worst get it together Nicole" I said to myself so as soon as I got out of bed I changed since I already took a shower anyways after the whole changing situation I left the hotel to look around this amazing country as I was in the lobby I notice there was brochures so I decided to look through them ...

Then there was one brochure that caught my eye its just what I needed it was a massage and as read through it I was so relief that they have English workers there I decided to take it since it has the address I decided to walk since I realize it wasn't far from here ...

(John's POV)

I was completely zoned out in the guys locker room all I kept thinking about was Nicole I never been this depressed in my life the worst part is I keep getting drunk I haven't seen her in 2 weeks and the worst part is brie doesn't know where she is either that made me more scared "hey buddy how have you been?" Some one asked I instantly came back to reality and I realize Dolph was talking to me...

"I feel like crap" I responded "can I ask why would you do it?" He asked "that's something that you don't need to know " I said giving him a glare "I'm just saying if you didn't sleep with Dana then you wouldn't be in this mess" he said Dolph was right I regret sleeping with Dana I regret it every single day....

(Nicole's POV)
I finally arrived at the massage place "hola Como estas" a lady said I'm guessing she only speaked Spanish "oh me no hablo espanol" I said "oh I see your not from here ?" She said in English "sorry I not" I said "why are you apologizing its OK" she said as chuckled "are you here for a massage?" She asked ...

"Yes I am" I responded "apply here " she said as she gave me the paper after I finished applying I gave it back to the lady "I call you when the massage therapist is ready" she said "OK" I responded I decided to turn on my phone as soon as I did notifications popped up I must of gotten 100+ text messages from john I never seen him like this before I decided to read some of them and this one text from him really got to me..

"Nicole I'm truly sorry that I cheated on you with another woman I regret every single day I always have trouble sleeping now because I can't stop thinking about you ,about us I haven't been the same since you left me since you disappear please forgive me babe please give me another chance please,please but I understand if you don't really I do I just wanted to let you know you were the best thing that ever happened to me in my life..."

"Miss, ... Diego is ready for you" the lady said...
Hey guys!!! What did you think about this chapter?? Hope you enjoyed it I know I suck at fan fics don't know why I keep creating them *sighs*

SHES ALL GONE (SEQUEL TO FIFTY SHADES OF CENA)Where stories live. Discover now