Chapter 1

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{Hello my amazing GaLe shippers!! This is a new idea that I came up with, and thank DeleaCrawford for sending me the pictures that inspired me to write this fanfiction! You guys go and check out her own amazing GaLe fanfictions too!!

Please leave a vote and comment to show the love and to show me that you want me to continue this book!!

Now, onwards to the story!!!:D}


"What?! What do you mean I can't go outside?!" I yelled out at my mother, who was currently glaring at me.

"Levy, there have been an incredibly high number of wolf sightings in our area. It's dangerous to go into the forest right now!" my mother scolded me, her finger pointing towards the back door.

I rolled my eyes at the overprotective woman. Ever since my Father passed away due to a rare illness, my mother had become insanely overprotective of me. She's at a constant fear at which anything could happen to me. I loved my mother dearly, seeing as how I was her number one priority. I wouldn't lie and say that she never spoiled me, for that would be a massive lie.

Whatever I wanted, my mother would purchase for me in a heartbeat. But, the only thing that I ever wanted were books, books, and even more books. Due to her nature, my room was incredibly messy, but not with clothes or trash. Oh no, it was messy by the countless number of books that littered the floor.

I had ran out of room on my bookshelves long ago, and with no more room to place another, I really had no choice but to store my books underneath my bed and onto the floor. Luckily for me, my mother didn't mind all that much.

"Mom, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. I'm taking the shortest path, and you know that one pretty much circles our house. There's no way that I could get lost," I eventually told her.

Sighing, Mom pinched the bridge of her nose. "Oh, alright. But you better be home in time for supper."

Nodding towards her, I made a quick dash towards my room. I needed my gloves and heavy coat, for it was snowing heavily outside. But it was this snowy weather that I loved the most. Winter was my absolute favorite season after all.

Quickly slipping on my deep orange gloves and bright orange coat, I quickly rushed out of my room, making sure that I didn't trip over any of my books.

I pecked my mother on the cheek before grabbing my orange and white scarf from the mantle by the back door. Opening the door, I waved goodbye to my mother before quickly leaving.

Once I was outside, snowflakes began to fall in my hair and onto my nose. I giggled at the beauty that the outdoors possessed at the moment, tilting my head back and catching snowflakes on my tongue.

My house was located far from the nearest town, my property surrounded by a large forest. I loved the fact that I could wake up to the sound of forest animals and fall asleep to the crickets and frogs. It made my time for reading much more peaceful, and I would never want to stop being this close to nature, no matter what.

Walking along a small path, I made my way towards the forest, which contained barren trees who's only covering was the snow itself. The lack of pine needles and leaves did make the forest seem...mysterious, but it would never scare me. It made me feel brave that I could tread along the paths to a forest that closely resembled a horror story.

The Wolf Beside Me{Fairy Tail}{GaLe}Where stories live. Discover now