Chapter 9

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{Hello my amazing GaLe shippers!!! Sadly, this story is getting close to its end. After this chapter, there will be one more chapter and then the epilogue! Please vote and comment to show the love!!

And thank you guys so super much for over one thousand reads!! That's amazing! I didn't think that my fanfictions would get so many!!

Now, let's see how more Gajeel is doing...}


I was horribly ashamed with myself.

I had one job, one frickin job! And that was to protect her, care for her and aid her with raising our young. I had one job, and I utterly failed at it. I allowed that...that snobby-nosed brat to defeat me! All because of the fact that I allowed myself to become distracted. I let myself slip and focus on my mate, my little Shrimp who suddenly screamed for some reason. And I never got to know why she did that in the first place...

I was laying on my furs, having recently woken up from the knock-out. Though no one knew that I was conscious quite yet, as no one had come by to check up on me. I knew that my little sister would be by soon, being our medicine woman and all.

Trying to sit up on my furs, I winced in pain and slumped back down, now knowing how excruciating my injuries really were. But why care? My girl was taken from me, and by council law, I can't get her back unless I challenge Laxus myself. But with these horrible injuries, I doubt that I could defeat him, even if he himself was injured as well. It was obvious that the slightly older lycan had more skill than me, something that I absolutely hated to admit, especially after what had taken place.

"Okay! We can go for a walk after I check on Brother! Hehe, bye Romeo," I heard my sister giggle out as she made her way into the cave.

I had to admit. That Romeo kid had got some guts to flirt with the Alpha's sister. I thought to myself that he could very well make a suitable mate for my precious little sister.

"Sis?" I tried to sit up again, but that of course failed.

She glared at me, walking over and slapping my shoulder lightly. "Idiot! Don't try to move right now! It'll only make your injuries worse, you know."

"Tch, whatever. Just hurry up and heal me so that I can go and kill that moron for takin' my girl!" I growled out.

She sighed as she began to remove some bandages that were wrapped around my chest. "You know as well as I do that Laxus is too strong for you. We aren't going to give up, though. We'll find a way. Luckily, now that you're awake, your wounds should heal in a matter of a few hours, one hour at the least."

I glared at her but didn't say anything, knowing that she was right.

"Gajeel. I really hate seeing you like this. I miss her too. I already think of her as my older sister," she whispered.

Glancing away, I growled lowly. "It ain't fair."

Suddenly, my sister hugged me, careful that she didn't put any pressure on my wounds. "I know it isn't. But we're going to get her back. You deserve her Brother, you really do."

My eyes teared up, despite the fact that I tried my best not to cry. I hugged my little sister back, crying softly into her shoulder.

The Wolf Beside Me{Fairy Tail}{GaLe}Where stories live. Discover now