Chapter 5

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{Hello my amazing GaLe shippers! Since school for me starts in about one week, I'm going to start updating one fanfiction a day, so tomorrow I will update Our Love Song! I'm already mentally preparing myself for school, so I'm getting out of summer mode*cries* !

Anyways, please leave a vote and comment to show the love!!

Now onto this wolf infested story!}


The pack was preparing for the arrival of the Eastern Alpha. Although I was new to this lycan life, I was actually already getting the hang of it. Gajeel had set a date for our ceremony, which would be exactly a month from today. He was planning to invite the Eastern pack over, but there was someone else that I wanted to attend as well.


My soon-to-be husband, or really my fiance, was inspecting the pack's territory, making sure that everything was in tip-top shape. He wanted to impress the Alpha, which made me smile. He still had that big ego of his. I should have known that that particular feature of him would never go away.

He never did glance my way, but I knew that he heard me. "Yes, Shrimp? What is it?"

I looked around nervously, playing with the hem of my short orange dress. "Will...will I ever see my mom again?"


"Gajeel?" I asked, growing wary towards his silence.

He sighed. "Shrimp...she can't know about us, about my kind I mean. If ya go back, it'll just make things more complicated. Tha only way she can find out about us is if she gets hitched up with a lycan too."

Tears formed in my eyes. "So I'll never see my mom again?"

I felt arms wrap around me, but I refused to look up at Gajeel's ruby red eyes.

"Shrimp...I wish ya could, I really do. I don't like seein' ya sad like this, but if tha council found out, we'll both end up killed."

"Council?" I questioned.

He nuzzled the top of my head. "The lycan council, group of wrinkled up pricks who think they're better than us. But they're the law, and we gotta follow it."

I couldn't help but to giggle. "Since when did Gajeel Redfox ever follow any rules?"

"When a life that mattered came into my own," he whispered.

Smiling very slightly, I snuggled into my boyfriend's chest, happy at the warmth that he produced. It was these moments that I craved, just us alone in the forest, in each other's arms. Since he was in control of an entire lycan pack, he sure was busy often. But it made times such as this more special, more desired by the both of us.

"Come on, territory looks safe and secure. Tha Alpha'll be here soon," he mumbled into my hair.

I nodded. "You're right."

After cuddling for a few more minutes, we separated from one another and began our walk back towards the center of the territory. This was were the pack members lived and mingled. Gajeel and I held hands, which brought about a peaceful feeling from within me.

When we got closer towards the center, I saw Natsu running towards us from the direction that we were heading, panting slightly.

"Oi, what's up with ya?" Gajeel asked.

Natsu recollected his breath before answering. "Alpha...The Alpha's here."

"Already? I thought it would be another hour before he'd make it over here," he said with curiosity laced into his voice.

His Second-In-Command merely shrugged. "Eh, who cares. Everything's in order so it's not like we weren't prepared for him."

Sighing, Gajeel nodded his head. "Alright, alright. We're coming'"

Together, we all walked back to the center. From a small distance away, I could already see new faces, four new faces to be exact. One was a tall girl, her hair a honey brown color. I could even tell from a distance that her eyes were a dark color, and she wore glasses. Another was a tall, blue headed man. He had the oddest hairstyle, as some parts of his head were shaven, and other parts were quite grown out. The man next to him was shorter, with long, light green hair that covered the right side of his face. Unlike most lycan males that I had seen, he had a more gentle and calm face.

The three were standing in front of an even taller male lycan. I would have guessed that this man was even taller than Gajeel. I couldn't really see him since the trio was blocking my view.

We walked towards them, and the closer we got to the group, the more nervous I became. I wrapped my arms around Gajeel's right arm. He apparently knew what was wrong, as he patted my head and said "It's alright Shrimp."

"So you're the Alpha?" the tall, blue headed man questioned.

Gajeel nodded. "Yes, I am. Alpha Gajeel Redfox of the Western Pack."

I had to hide my shock, not knowing that Gajeel, of all beings, could be formal towards someone.

"I'm the Eastern Pack's best tracker, Bickslow," he introduced himself.

The girl smiled very slightly. "I'm Evergreen, the war planner."

Perhaps I was incredibly nervous and simply seeing things, but I could have sworn that I saw Elfman glance towards the tall woman and eye her over.

The elegant looking man cleared his throat. "And I'm Freed Justine, the Second-In-Command."

Gajeel nodded towards each of them, and I smiled.

"It's nice to have you guys here. Was there...perhaps anything that you wanted to discuss with me?" he asked.

The man behind the trio suddenly chuckled, stepping forth from behind his pack members. When I saw his face, my own paled instantly.

He was not only incredibly tall, but very well built. He had short blonde hair, and a scar in the shape of a lightning bolt ran across one of his eyes. He glanced down at me, smirking.

"Levy McGarden? How funny to see you of all people here," he chuckled, looking back up at my mate-to-be, "what's a human doing on your territory?"

Gajeel moved his arm out of my hold, only to wrap it around my waist, bringing me closer to him. "She's my girlfriend, mate-to-be. We're having our ceremony in a month, now how do you know her?"

He just shrugged. "I see the kid every now and then when she walks to school."

I glared at him, knowing that we both knew how he really knew me.

His name was Laxus Dreyar. I knew him because he just didn't simply see me by coincidence every now and then. No, he waited for me every morning. He waited for me so that he could beat me, assault me, and mock me.

The Wolf Beside Me{Fairy Tail}{GaLe}Where stories live. Discover now