chapter 51

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"And that's why everyone's so nervous" Daisy ended her monologue with a puff

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"And that's why everyone's so nervous" Daisy ended her monologue with a puff.
Apparently the academy's board was holding a meeting with all staff members about additional security.

Since starting work this morning Daisy and I had wondered what the big fuss in the halls was about. Only now in the early afternoon, when I had left my floor the first time today, Daisy had lectured me on all of the gossip.

Finally the secret was out.

Because the operation surrounding the mines had been so large it would have been foolish to even try keeping the imminence of the danger secret for any longer.

The broad mass of students still hadn't known anything until today when the meeting had been announced. There had been speculations and rumors, started after the attack on our own academy and only been fueled by notices about new attacks. Moreover Ronan's arrival had sparked everyone's interest and curiosity.

The puzzle pieces had ultimately been put together now.

Fortunately that meant that most of the attention had been diverted from Ronan and me although there were still weird glances that made me feel awkward and giddy. After being ignored for all my life I wasn't exactly thriving under all of the attention.

Nervously I balled my fist together in the pocket of my apron. The cool surface of the large black scale comforted me a fraction of what its owner could do.
Yesterday, while showering the shiny scale had dropped from my body, I didn't even know where it had hidden itself but now it was mine.

"Thanks for telling me. I hate to keep it short but I have to catch up with a lot" I said while holding the basket of laundry into the air as proof.
I was pretty sure that the tenants in my rooms must've been unsatisfied with my performance since I randomly didn't even turn up some days so it was a wonder I hadn't been fired yet.

Thankful that my tenants were nice enough not to rat me out to lady Thatcher I walked back upstairs.

"Ronan?" I asked surprised as I entered his room. I hadn't expected him to be back from the meeting yet, especially since everyone had been making such a large deal out of it.

His eyes that had been trained on some papers on his desk immediately jumped towards me. The dark look inside of them made me gulp.

"Say that again" he demanded roughly, the papers forgotten on his desk. His whole body was now positioned towards me which made me feel slightly nervous. What was going on?

"What? Ronan?" I asked unsurely. Funnily enough I hadn't even realized that I had changed over to his first name for the first time.

He took in a deep breath, dropping his head a little.

Slowly I walked towards him, gauging his reaction. His only movement was his Adam's apple that was bobbing up and down quickly.

"Can I call you that now?" I asked carefully, not understanding what was so special about it.

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