12. Sleep with me tonight,

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The tea pot whistles for the third time, indicating you to turn it off finally. The half stired noodles is getting burned on the other hand and your sleeve on your new summer dress got struck with the refrigerator door, wondering how can it even possible.

You try to pull away, the yogurt box in still placed on your palm for which you opened that door in the first place. The tea pot whistles again, the lid dancing on the top of it, you groan try to tear your dress now.

You don't want to yell out for help either. The burnt smell fills your nostrils, you gasps, pulling with much force now the refrigerator leaning over to you, causing you to stop, panicking. "Woaah! What a pleasant view?" Your eyes perked up to find your husband with his annoying smirk, looking so clean and fresh than ever.

You can smell his minty smell, he must have showered just now. "Want some help, little wife?" He stands infront of you, placing his arm on the top of the refrigerator, leaning again it. "Can you turn off both the stoves?" You didn't hesitate to say yes, your food is going waste, you hardwork that you've put alone after kicking your sister-in-law Sana out of the kitchen.

Jungkook's eyebrows raises in amusement, he grins, "What will I get in return for that?" He skips past you, somehow turns off both the stoves then looks back at you smirking teasingly. You clench your jaw, your high build ego getting hurt that you asked for his help. "My noodles and my tea." You reply now slowly pulling your sleeve carefully, don't wanna tear the dress that you've time.

Jungkook scoffs, looking up and down at your form. "This dress suits you more than those baggy jeans and tees." He bites his lips, moving closer to you. "Also, that noodles and tea.." he glances back to the dishes, "Isn't in a better condition to serve...." he turns back to you, "For me."

You stares up at him, clenching your teeth. Did he just criticize your cooking? How dare he? Jungkook stood unamused by your gaze as he skips behind you, pressing his chest onto your back once again. Now you're not feeling the same, his hard chest feels like a wall, your heart beating louder, his smell is doing its best to claim your every sense for him and him only, "I want something fresh, hot and delicious. Literally untouched package." He eyes your ass and smirks.

He leans down, placing his chin on your head making you aware of your movement as you stood still, not even letting out a breathe. His hand cups your waist while other smoothly pinches your sleeve that is struck and pulls it away slowly. You can hear the tearing sound of your cloth and your heartbeat which seems louder than.

His hand moving in circles as he creeps up from your waist playfully, stepping a little closer for you to feel his buldge, once again. Will he get horny so easily? Or is it a side effect of using drugs? Jungkook finally tears the cloth and holds under your arm before massaging it softly as if he knows that you're in pain because you've kept your arm in the same position for almost more than 10 minutes. You can't say your pain isn't easing becomes of his massage and it doesn't feel way too much good.

He drags his hand from your arm to your shoulder before turning you around and pinning you with refrigerator which is now closed, your torn sleeve is peeking out of the door. Jungkook stares down at you, his hand moving up and down at your sleeveless arm. "Give up, Y/N." He mutters, gripping your arm in a firm grip. "Why is it hard for you to give up? Don't you want to leave me? This marriage? And what about that damn money?" His voice is slury as if he knows it will tempt you so gratefully.

You slowly removes your arm from his grip, glaring at him. "If you want a baby so bad, how about a surrogate mother?" You ask, face monotonous as ever, you can't think about blushing now that he's literally annoying you around with this shit. Jungkook eyes widen at your suggestion, his irritation spiking up, "The hell you're talking about?" He grits his jaw, taking a step closer as if he can scare you.

You stood firm, glaring back at him. "I said what I said. The contract didn't state the we can't bring a surrogate mother. So it's acceptable." You speak. "So you're planning to bring a surrogate mother into this then take that 80,000 million dollars and leave?" He chuckles, hand running through his long hair. "I don't care about that money, give it to her or whatever." You moves to your side, over to the stove to check on the busted food and tea.

"So you want me to make a stranger pregnant with my own child and pays her for it? Am I that disgusting to you?" He speaks, it really hurts. His insecurity is killing him. He doesn't know why he wants you to accept him. Why? Isn't he afraid of loving someone? Or is he wants to love someone since he finally gets a chance? "What's so different with me and a surrogate mother? We both are stranger to you." You ask, even though you feel gulit that he is feeling insecure because of you again.

Jungkook huffs, you're right. You both are stranger. Once you give birth you his child, you will become a total stranger again. Still, why he wants you to be the mother of his child? "You won't understand, will you?" He asks, mind thinking about something. Anything to convince you and his own self. "You're my damn wife and you've signed the contract. You will bear my child and makes me a father, then fucking leave out of my life." He shouts, glaring at you while you still checking the food. Wasted. It can't be eaten anymore.

You takes a deep breathe, now bother more because of the burned food than him and his insecured self. You turn around, getting anxious. You and Sana are supposed to make breakfast for the family. Since, Sana kept ruining everything you told her off. Now it's almost the time for breakfast.

"Jungkook." You calls, looking up at his eyes. Jungkook can sense the nervousness in your voice, getting alert, he steps closer. Did you get hurt? Did he hurt you? "Y-Yeah?" He asks, he can't hide his concern either in his tone or his eyes. "We need to buy breakfast, immediately." You speak, sighing.

Jungkook stares at you in disbelief, so you didn't listen to his rants, neither his ruining feelings or whatsoever it is? He clenches his jaw, looking away scoffing before turning back to you glaring.
"Fine. I'll get the damn breakfast to save your ass for now. But-" He leans down, grabbing your sleeveless arm tightly that literally causes you pain.

Pulling you closer with a force that you literally stumbles but manages to stand on your feet as you looks at him with your wide curious eyes, "Agree to sleep with me tonight. Bare and legs open wide for me."

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