the 7 deadly sins: greed

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Her life was hard from the beginning, being born into a poor family in the middle east. War raged throughout their country, her aunt and uncle had fled to the united states a year ago but her parents lacked the money to move. the destruction moved closer to them day after day. Her parents decided to gather all their money to send their only daughter to america, they contacted her aunt and uncle and arranged a flight for her. She was about eight years old at the time and she dreaded the moment when she had to abandon her parents. The day had come, the extremist groups were right outside their small village they rushed her to the small plane that would be her only hope of a better life. They kissed her and sent her into whatever fate lie ahead of her. As she flew into the air she saw the bombs strike what once was her home. While she was on the plane she made a vow that when she got to america she would make all the money in the world since money was the reason her parents couldnt survive with her. She arrived in atlanta where her aunt lived. They hugged her and apologized for her loss. Life went on she attended school and everything was simple. When she got to high school she really started paying attention to her studies, all these years she kept her vow to make money, to in a way, make it up to her parents. She graduated as a valedictorian and recieved a full scholarship to study microbiological sciences. In college she somehow worked even harder towards her goals. After four grueling years of studing she got her degrees. A research center soon found out about this genius girl and gave her a job. It was there that she made her breakthrough. Synthetic organs, a complete gamechanger for the medical and science world. They were a very reliable option for people with heart problems and people who had cancer in certain organs. She soon developed a company that would produce and disperse these products to hospitals around the world. The only downside to these magical organs was that they were made using a very special gel like fabric that was hard to produce and very expensive. By the time she realized this her creation had already saved thousands of lives and she even won the Nobel Peace prize. She let her guard down for a moment and let the greed take control she wanted more money, she "needed" it. So she changed the composition and used a new material that was cheaper to make hearts and other organs. Little did she know that this particular material would be rejected by the human body and cause it to shut down. It was too late people were dying left and right. Lawsuits, reports, everything was falling apart, her company went bankrupt from all the people who sued for their family or friends death. She got to her apartment and collapsed she was beginning to comprehend what she had done. This evil that was rooted into her soul so many years ago had ruined it twenty years later. She knew nobody wanted anything to do to her so she used all the money she had earned to buy a small house somewhere in the country. There she lived a very boring life where she would sit the whole day and think about what went wrong. She often thought what would've happened if she stayed true to herself and did the right thing. She thought about these things often. She died at a very old age, alone.

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