Chapter 22: A day out with the Dazzlings and meeting...another Twilight?!

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It's been a few days since the magic incident with Mouse Trap and (Y/N)'s reunion with the Dazzlings and things have been a bit more different than usual as surprises kept coming (Y/N)'s way.

First off, (Y/N)'s girlfriends were shocked to see the Dazzlings again but he quickly explained that they were on hard times and they had a reason for the terrible things they've done at CHS. The Dazzlings told (Y/N)'s girlfriends about their tragic past and how they're the last three sirens left and (Y/N)'s girlfriends were sympathetic and understanding to them so they forgave the Dazzlings for their actions at CHS and agreed to give them a second chance.

What surprised (Y/N) next is that the Dazzlings decided to become students at CHS again so they were able to book an appointment with Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna and explain the Dazzlings' situations as well as their motives for the things they've done at CHS which led to both the principal and vice principal to forgiving the Dazzlings and agreeing to let them become students at CHS again.

The next day, after the appointment, the Dazzlings returned to CHS, much to the shock of the other students until (Y/N) explained that they've reformed and wished to apologize for brainwashing everyone and having them turn against each other. The Dazzlings even confessed their tragic past and the reason why they did all those terrible things they've done which led to many people forgiving them while some others were skeptical until (Y/N) pointed out that Sunset did terrible things but she had a reason for doing them as well as that she's reformed and worked hard to prove that she has changed.

To prove that they've changed, the Dazzlings decided to do some community work like when Sunset reformed while they also took some singing lessons as they wanted to become singers again. But this time, they would just become natural singers instead of magical singers. As the time passed, the Dazzlings had changed and gotten along with a few people.

Adagio Dazzle, who was once an arrogant and overconfident leader blinded by power, has become a more humble but still bold figure to the Dazzlings. She shares her passion of singing and finding her true voice in music. She also enjoys playing the piano and has a taste for classical and pop music while becoming close friends with Sunset Shimmer because they both wanted to become better people from their old selves and Octavia Melody because they share a taste for classical music.

Aria Blaze still maintains her bitter, bad-girl, edgy, and sarcastic personality, but she now has a softer side to those close to her and has become more nicer to Sonata lately. She found her voice and taste in music to punk-rock music, she even practiced playing the electric guitar and was able to make friends with Rainbow Dash and Trixie Lulamoon as they would have shred-offs.

Sonata Dusk still has her bubbly personality, but she's become less obnoxious and more passionate in singing which led to her finding her voice in modern pop music which helps brighten up her upbeat personality and she was able to become great friends with Pinkie Pie because of their cherry natures and Vinyl Scratch because they both love music.

(Y/N) would often help the Dazzlings from time to time which led to them being happy that he was helping them and they would even blush whenever he complemented them or say nice things to them. This led to the Dazzlings gaining feelings for him and wanting to join his harem when they get the chance.

Speaking of (Y/N), well...he got himself his own house!

It all began when he bought a lottery ticket one day when he went out and he won an instant jackpot with 250 million dollars! Meaning that he became a millionaire!

He was both shocked and happy to win so much money that he told his parents and girlfriends and they were all shocked and happy for him. He didn't know what he wanted to do with the money at first, but his parents then suggested he should buy a house for him and his girlfriends to live in which he agreed to because it was a great idea.

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