Chapter Two

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Seraphina glanced at her father from the corner of her eye before averting her gaze as he looked at her. She stiffened as he walked towards her, plastering a fake smile on her face she bowed, "Hello father, I have dressed for the occasion and can't wait for the trial. "

The man nodded running a hand through his black hair, his red eyes shined as he stared at his daughter. Smirking cruelly he waved his hand before walking off towards a group of people.

Seraphina let out a sigh of relief she straightened herself up before glancing down at her attire. She was dressed in leather. She grimaced.

Her black leather shorts stuck to her skin as if glued on, the black and red lacy corset she wore was squeezing her chest so much and the thigh high heel boots made her look like a hooker. But least she was a little covered with a black open robe that trailed behind her. Her hair tumbled down in black curls over her pale shoulder.

As a bell sounded many gathered around a throne like place with 12 or so chairs. Each leader of the supernatural took a seat on the color designated chairs.

Taking one last look around the room she took a seat next to her father on the black throne chair.

Seraphina's dark eyes looked at the large court room from her seat. It was dead silent before guards dressed in grey opened the door and led many people in.

She breathed in before fidgeting slightly at a captivating scent of rain, old spice and earth. Her eyes zeroed in on the large figure dressed in a suit in front of everyone. Her eyes trailed down his muscular figure then to the his hands that held a more small feminine one.

She stared snarling under her breath at emotions bubbling up in her chest. Finally moving her eyes towards his face, she studied his strong jaw his lips and slightly crooked nose to his eyes. Which seemed to be trained on her.

She jumped from her seat drawing getting the attention of everyone. Her father glowered grabbing her wrist tightly yanking her down. She winced ignoring the growl from the male who emanated pure man.

Keeping her eyes on the floor, she heard the head councilmen speak.

"Alpha Gabriel Conan, welcome." Seraphina murmured her greetings like the rest while trying to control her body from ripping that perfect blonde off his arm. She could smell her all over her mate.

"Councilwoman Seraphina, what do you think?" Her head jerked up at her name staring at the councilman who called her. Opening and closing her mouth she repeated this motiom three more times and looked confused.

"Pardon? What was the question again?" She cringed. She knew what was going to happen later. She could feel many gazes on her but two stuck out. Her father's glare and her mates.

Sighing he repeated the question, "Do you think that Alpha Conan should marry the woman who is not his mate? "

Looking to her mate Alpha Conan who gazed again her with such intensity she forced herself to nod, "since he has not found his mate yet, he should unless he has found her? " she questioned turning towards the councilman who turned towards the silent Alpha.

He shook his head averting his gaze, Seraphina thought that being whipped was painful but him denying her as a mate hurt much more. She could feel her heart tear through the middle. Nodding she gave her answer and got up as everyone else and waited.

She watched as his eyes trailed down her leather clad figure and turn black. She could smell his desire but she forced herself not to think about wrapping her legs around his waist as he slid into her.

"We will allow this only once, since your pack are descendants of the original lycans we need strong heirs. Don't make us regret our decision. Now come! Let us celebrate the union of Alpha Gabriel and his chosen mate." Snapping out of her thoughts she saw everyone heading towards the doors.

She sat down in her chair for a second. She didn't notice her mate watching her closely he was closer than before, he stood a few feet away from the throne chairs.

She jumped hearing his voice and snapped her head towards him. His voice scent shivers down her spine and her unbeating heart thumped.

"Thank you for, umm, accepting that." He awkwardly thanked her. Her eyes softened as she watched him fidget. A small smile adorned her face before she nodded.

She slowly got up but stayed in place gulping she felt bile rise in her throat she quickly forced out, "I wish you both a lifetime of happiness. "

Turning away quickly, she almost ran past him but stopped at the hand gripping her arm loosely. She sighed feeling the sparks and the warmth of his hand wash over her.

Closing her eyes she forced back the tears. Turning towards him she flashed him a quick grin before gently removing his hand.

"Yes Alpha Conan? You know if I was any other council person you'd be killed for touching me." Seraphina spoke softly gazing at him.

"Gabriel." Seraphina furrowed her brows. At that Gabriel smiled slightly at the cute expression on her face.

"Call me Gabriel. " he repeated. Nodding Seraphina turned her body towards him opened her mouth to reply, "I- "

"Seraphina! " Sighing, she turned leaving him alone. He didn't know that it would be the last he felt her soft skin or the sparks and happiness he felt with her.

That was the last he ever saw her...

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