Nico's Mid-Life Crisis?

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Nico, as you all know, is a teenage boy. He also, as you all know, has been a teenager for quite some time. Nico's pretty much as normal as a child of Hades gets. Well, except maybe Hazel. I'm losing my point. Anyways, this story is being written because everyone wants to make sure Nico never and I mean never forgets about this day.


Nico woke up that morning feeling really... out of it, I guess you could say. He pulled himself into the sitting position on his bed. He looked straight forward into the mirror on the wall, after he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He was suddenly hit by a weird thought.

How much longer am I even going to live? I mean I've been alive for like 60 years if not more. Demi-gods never live long anyways. What have I got to lose?

Nico shook his head throwing himself off the bed. He decided he was going to wear his bright orange camp half-blood shirt, and kakis, because what does he have to lose? He also swept the hair out of his face and walked out of his cabin. He was walking across the middle area of the cabins when Percy walked over with a weird look on his face.

"Why does your face look like that?" Nico asked furrowing his brows and slightly smiling, causing Percy's face to look even more confused.

"You're not wearing all black, and your hair is out of your face, and since when do you smile?" Percy rapid fire questioned. Nico just gave Percy a weird look shook is head and continued walking with people staring at him and some with their jaws dropping. He saw Jason do a double take, Leo came up to him and kept trying to say something but nothing came out, Piper blinked a few times trying to process what she was seeing, Hazel just shook her head like she was seeing things, Annabeth stared at Nico wide eyed trying to figure out why he was dressed like that, and Frank, poor Frank, almost started laughing but got hit upside the head by Hazel.

Nico honestly didn't understand why this was so weird to people. Is he not aloud to wear colors other then black and dark gray? He should be able to wear what he godsdamn wants to. He continues to walk until he reaches the Big House where Mr. D is playing card games with terrified satyrs, and Chiron was sitting there in his wheel chair looking at Nico worriedly, and Will Solace dropped the clip board he was holding and his eyes widened when he saw what Chiron was looking at.

"Nico are you feeling alright?" Chiron asked raising his eyebrows. Before Nico could answer him Will ran over to Nico, and grabbed his face turning it all around to check and see if he was hurt.

"Why are you?" Was all Will could get out of his mouth. Nico shooed Will away from himself and walked over to Chiron.

"Yes, I'm fine. I wanted to know if I could go to the city? I have a few things I need to do." Nico replies nonchalantly as if Will wasn't there.

"Sure, but take someone with you." Chiron answered.

"Oh I'll go! Can I go!? I wanna go!" Will exclaimed.

"Fine." Nico huffed and grabbed Will's shoulder shadow traveling him and Will to New York. They land with a thump in an ally. Nico turned around to find Will on his butt, red in the face and huffing.

"What's got your khakis in a twist?" Nico chuckled. Will stood up brushing himself off, and pushes Nico against the wall.

"I thought I told you no underworld-y stuff! Doctors Orders! Ring any bells in that gloomy skull of yours?" Will shouted poking a finger into Nico's sternum.

"Get over yourself, we're both fine. C'mon." Nico huffs grabbing Will's hand and dragging him into a tattoo shop with him.

"What, in Hades, are we doing here?" Will asked looking around at the different designs plastered to every inch of the building.

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