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four years later..

Briana's POV.
I sat at the isle in the kitchen rubbing my temples as I listened to the florist call my order back incorrectly. People think being a wedding planner is easy but when the florist can't get anything right and when the bride calls you every ten minutes, it's far from easy.

After I got the flower situation settled, I finally started on lunch. I noticed it was entirely too quiet in this house, so I looked around for Amina & Brooke. I found them standing at the front door like they were waiting for something.

"Girls, what are you doing?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

Amina turned around and smiled, showing off her dimples that mimicked Cam's. "Waiting for Daddy."

I smiled and nodded before going back in the kitchen. I had only been in there for a minute before I heard Amina scream, which meant Cam was home.

"Mommy, look what Daddy bringed!" Amina shouted.

She & Brooke walked in the kitchen, and trailing right behind them was a Jack Russell terrier puppy. The girls have been bugging us to get a dog and of course, Cam got them one. He's so soft when it comes to them.

I focused my attention on my husband, who just made his appearance in the kitchen, and raised an eyebrow.

"I see you decided to get the dog."

"Yeah," he said, kissing my forehead. "Look how happy they are."

I looked at the girls, and they were giggling like their lives depended on it. It was so cute, I couldn't help but smile.

"Alright but if I end up being the only one taking care of this damn dog, I will stab you," I said, giving him a pointed look.

He let out a hearty chuckle and pecked my lips. "Cam Jr. makes you mean."

Yes, he said Cam Jr. I'm currently six months pregnant with a boy, and we plan to name him after his big-headed daddy.

"No, Cam Sr. makes me mean," I laughed.

He placed his hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt, and scoffed playfully. "Ouch, Bri. That hurt."

"You'll be alright."

He laughed and turned his attention to the girls, who were playing with the dog.

"Mommy, can I have a cookie?" Amina asked. She looked at me with those big brown eyes, hoping I would say yes.

"Not right now, baby."

She pouted and I mentally laughed at how cute she was.

"Daddy, can I have a cookie?" she asked Cam, tapping his leg.

Whenever I tell Amina no, she goes straight to Cam because she knows he'll say yes. She's so spoiled.

"Of course you can, baby girl."

He picked her up and carried her to the sink so she could wash her hands. He, then, gave her a cookie, and she smiled as she sunk her little teeth into.

"So, you just gon' go against the grain like that and give her a cookie after I said no?" I asked, making him laugh. "You need to stop spoiling her."

"I can't," he said, "she's Daddy's baby. Ain't that right, Mimi?"

"Wight!" she beamed.

I playfully rolled my eyes at them and shook my head. I can't really be mad because I love their father/daughter relationship.

"Well since everyone is going against my wishes today, Brooke do you want one too?" I asked.

"No thank you," she said politely.

Brooke reminds me so much of myself when I was her age. She's pretty quiet and to herself most of the time, but when she gets around Amina and Cam, she's a different person.

I finally finished lunch, and we all sat at the table to eat. While listening to Brooke & Amina have their own little conversation, I noticed Cam was staring at me.

"Daddy, why are you looking at Mommy like that?" Amina asked as her eyebrows knitted together.

Cam smiled then looked at Amina. "Because she's so pretty. Don't y'all think so?"

"Yeah!" Brooke smiled.

"Mommy, you so bootiful!" Amina said, puckering her lips.

I laughed, and everyone laughed with me. That little girl has so much personality for a four year old.

"Thank you, sweetie."

I looked around the table at my family and realized how lucky I am. Even though he gets on my nerves sometimes, I have a husband that I love, a little sister, who is growing up to be a beautiful little girl, and a feisty daughter, who always brings a smile to my face.

I used to think Cam and I moved too fast in our relationship, considering we didn't know each other very long before we started dating, and we were only dating for five months when I found out I was pregnant. But our whole journey has been so incredible, even if I were given the opportunity, I wouldn't change a thing.


I liked writing this story, so thank you to everyone that read, voted & commented. You're the best! ❤️

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