Chapter 1: Meeting People

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Sophie's P.O.V

"Sophie" My mom said whilst shaking me. "mhmm" I replied while flipping over onto my other side. "It's your first day of 12th grade,"she said with excitement. With that being said I quickly got out of bed to get ready. I moved to Virginia after my parents got a divorce and was registered into Bishop Ireton High. 

I quickly ran to my bathroom to shower, while i was in there i just shaved, washed my body, and hair. When i got out I put on a light layer of mascara. I was done with makeup.

For clothing i chose a cute floral crop top with some black high-waisted shorts, so it wouldn't show too much of my stomach. As for shoes I just picked out my new white vans. 

I went downstairs and told my mom that i was going to use her car. I then walked outside to get in the car and saw a boy walking down from his driveway, and to be honest, he wasn't that bad looking. He had dirty blonde hair, like me, and brown eyes. He was wearing khaki shorts and a nice blue button-up.

I got in my moms car and drove down to school, which was pretty far from my house. When I arrived i went in with the rest of the crowded students and went straight to the office to get my books, locker combination, and all that. Next i went to my locker and opened it. I put in all the things i didn't need. I closed my locker then looked at my schedule. First i had Art. After that was Math, Science, Geography, Language, and P.E.

I went through all my classes normally until we came to lunch, i was getting my food and minding my business until someone bumped into me causing food to go everywhere, including on my new shoes. I was furious until i looked up to see who it was, it was the boy I saw this morning.

 He looked up and said,"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where i was going." "It's okay." I said whilst trying to clean off my shirt, I didn't even bother trying to clean off my shoes, I knew it wasn't going to come off. "Oh my god your shoes, let me buy you new ones." He said. He then came to sit down with me at a table. "I think i saw you this morning." he made small talk, "yeah, you did I live next door to you." Out of nowhere he said, "Can we hang out later i want to learn more about you?" "Uh, yeah sure" I said with an unsteady voice.

Since we were gonna hang out after school I just gave him a ride home. "My name is Matthew Espinosa, by the way, but you can call me Matt." "Oh I'm Sophie Waters." I said with confidence. "Well Sophie why did you move to West Virginia?" he asked "Well my parents got a divorce so my mom decided to move to West Virginia." I stated.

"Oh, Sophie you didn't tell me you were having a friend over." My mom said as she walked in the door. "Yeah, sorry but this is Matt, I met him at school today." I said as Matt stood up and held his hand out for my mom to shake. "Nice to meet you Ms. Waters." He said in a Polite tone. "Nice to meet you too, Matt, and you can call me Sandra."My mother said back. "Well I should really be going now, thank you for having me." Matt thanked. "Oh do you need a ride home, or anything?" my mother asked "Oh, no that's alright, I live right next door." Matt stated "Okay well if you need a ride in the morning Sophie can drive you." She said with a smile on her face while I walked Matt out.

 I came back inside and looked at the time it was about 7:30, Had we really talked for that long, I ate dinner with my mom, she made my favorite, enchiladas. after we ate and talked for a bit, mainly about Matt and how much my mom liked him, 

"Thanks, mom for the dinner, I'm gonna head off to bed now." i said while yawning. "Okay sweety, I'm gonna clean up a bit." She said "Okay, Goodnight." 

I changed into my Pajamas then slid under the covers only to drift off to sleep, thinking about Matt.


Okay so how was that for my first chapter?

Let me know if its good or not, and what you want me to fix, also I know there will be typos and I will fix those before I complete the book.

Anyways thank you sooo much to nessalikesbands she absolutely inspired me to write this book and was right next to me the whole time I was writing. So be sure to check out her account, she is also writing a book at the same time, but will publish it when she has a bit more chapters. 

I hope you guys enjoyed my first chapter, and thank you! (>.<)


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