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Holy crap... uts been forever. The last time I went on this website was all the way back in April! Unfortunately I don't have a new chapter but I have some small C9 content that I know y'all are hungry for. I have started to make playlists for cloud nine as a little peice of the characters that you can have a listen to every now and then. I hope you enjoy and the next chapter is almost complete :).

Cloud nine playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0mjUSuyHCKRigo4gSl2fL5?si=Gqo0aBkqQye3dMp4x2jOKQ&pi=u-odlfUpB0SQ-a

Minh playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/5RI1jjyxMmlFMXeyF8c9DN?si=B_yLzeVySr6C9hRyIX1qvQ

The other three main characters playlists are 100% coming soon.

- Brennan

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