Chapter 3: The World Just Keeps On Spinning

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You jolt awake, unaware of your surroundings. You breathe heavily, as if you had been running for hours upon hours. You look around, frantically. But then you remember the Ninja. You remember the Cyborg, lashing at you. Then you remember seeing someone trying to wake you up.
Snapping you out of your thoughts is something on your bedside table. It's black with white stripes on the spine and small silver circles. You reach over and pick it up. On the front cover, you read, "Help protect our Hero." Beside the book is a mask. It is also black with white and silver stripes. Footsteps outside your door. You quickly hid both things under the bed. A knock echos on the door. And in comes Randy's familiar face.
"Oh, Y/N! You're awake," he says, his blue eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Uhh. Yeah. Hey, Randy," you say, smiling and blushing. He sits down on a chair beside me and asks how I'm feeling. I tell him I'm fine. But then I ask if he saw the Ninja. "I need to thank him!" Randy winces at the word "Ninja".
"Yeah... I saw him carrying you out of the school after the bomb went off. He said that you were the one who saved him and protected him from the evil robot or... What ever. Just thank cheese your alright!" he said, hugging me and letting a few tears run off his face. You hug him back, ignoring the pain that shoots trough your arms and legs.


(Randy's POV)

It's been about two weeks since Y/N has woken up. I couldn't sleep, hardly ate a thing, and was just stuck under a dark, rainy cloud for those two weeks. When there was a Ninja battle, there would be no fun in it. Just... complete sadness. But now that Y/N is coming back, I'm gonna be happy again.

(The Next Day At School)

"Hey, Randy," Howard says, slamming his locker door. I look at him with a huge smile on my face. Nothing can wipe this smile off my face. "Cunningham, what's with the smirk? Your not in loooooove with Y/N, are you?" Howard asks, drawing out "in love."
"What? Me? No! No... We're just Bros," I say quickly, not realizing that I'm turning into a strawberry. My face is so red. Howard bursts out laughing. We turn the corner, and I run into Therisa Fowler.
"Oh, hey, Randy," she says in her high voice. Howard stops laughing and looks between us, as if we are going to start a fight. I say hi and wave as I walk past her. Her smile falls away, but I don't look back after that.

(At Lunch Time)

"Hey, Y/N! So good to see you back," I say. Y/N had come back for lunch and the rest of the day. She still has bandages on her arms, but her head has healed with ease. We walk with Howard to our usual spot in the cafeteria.
"So, what was up with the last few weeks that I had been gone? Anything exciting?" Y/N asked.
"Cunningham was missing you like crazy," Howard said, sitting down. My face turned really red and I started to sweat a little. But Y/N just laughed! I laughed with her a little.


(Your POV)

Wow, he must really like me, you think to yourself. Then you see him blush, and you know it's true. But the other thing that's nagging at your mind, is the book and mask. When you came home, you looked at the book. This was like every book you had ever seen, except for some pages. They would suck you in, literally, and you were greeted by a Ninja, who had a black suite with the same white and silver stripes and a fashionable white sash.
She says that she will teach you to protect the town Hero, meaning the Ninja. The book is in your bag that's in your locker. "What else happened?" you ask.
"Well, at least two robots and three monsters came to the school. And, obviously, the Ninja saved us," Howard says. My heart melts what he says the Ninja. "I haven't been able to thank him yet!" You say, excitement rushing through you. "I have to find him. Do you guys know him at all?" Randy shoots Howard a worried look.
Howard shrugs. "What if we told you the Ninja is one of the students in this school?" Randy asks.

Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja X Reader/Fangirl: Snowbird (UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now