Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 :

I know, I should be working right now, but I couldn't concentrate. It is simply impossible. Never have I been able to contain myself, not when he's nearby. My wolf drives me insane. I just had to see him.

'Go ahead, blame it all on me.' I could feel my wolf's annoyance rolling off of her in waves.

'Who else is there to blame, Rue?' I rolled my eyes at her. She could be so pesky at times. If only she would leave me alone at times like these, to grant me a moment of inner peace.

'To bad I don't evanish when you want me to.' Rue snarled, she's so petulant lately.
'You know that's not what I meant.' I sighed.

'Just drop it, I'm trying to enjoy the prodigious view of our perfect mate.' She grumbled.

'He is not that perfect, ye know." I mumbled, getting a humorless laugh in return.

'Don't fool yourself Riley, we both know that's a lie.' She was right, again. Caden was an Adonis of a man, the epiphany of beauty and he is 'merely' the prince, a future king.

'Still not perfect.' I denied. Not sure if I was trying to convince her or myself.

'Go to him!' Rue urged. I rolled my eyes. She knew I wouldn't do that. We just weren't meant for each other. Surely the moon goddess must have made a mistake pairing me with Caden.
'I can't'

'You can't or you won't?' Rue hissed.
'You know I can't! He won't accept us! We're low ranks, just some unimportant servant, no nobility.' And either way, I was just fine observing him from a reasonable distance.

'He won't reject us, he's our mate.' She muttered.

The bond my wolf and I once had, has become less strong over the past couple of years, but I couldn't go without her. My wolf and I are 2 completely different beings, our personalities are nothing alike. She is a blabbermouth and I am what you would call, spineless. I just do what's asked of me.

I'm quiet and I keep to myself rather than to bother anyone else with my problems. It angers Rue at times, it's hard to control her when she tries to surface.

'You don't always do what's asked from you, you didn't listen to our mate...' Rue objected, 'you even denied the king's order, not such a good girl as you claim te be.' She taunted.

'I did what was best.' I stated. It was the right thing to do.
'I'm not going over there, and that's the end of it.' I said sadly.

I just want to be in Caden's warm arms really. Having him kiss my forehead and smile down at me, stroking my hair untill I fall asleep, warm and save in my mate's arms.
But I won't let that happen. I would only get hurt in the process.

'come on Riley! He is going to find us someday! He's been looking for you since the day we ran into him' she pointed out. I groaned, she always reminds me of that day.

'You're not only hurting yourself, Riley, you are hurting him as well.' She was right once more.

'he can't find out Rue, and he won't' I snapped. Rue laughed dryly.

'what makes you think he won't find you? You are almost 18 Riley, the day you turn 18 he is going to wake up and smell you!' she told me. I sighed, knowing she was right.

When a wolf turns 18, that is the moment that the wolf is full grown, it's like becoming an adult. But it also makes your scent stronger, but only noticeable for your mate. I've noticed this when Caden turned 18, that was 3 years ago.

I hated those times, my wolf kept pushing me to go to him. The urge to be with him was always there, it still is. But I never gave in, I never confronted him. I wouldn't do that to him, he would be so disappointed.

He doesn't want some plain looking girl, a worker.

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