Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 :

Riley's POV

I checked the time on my phone for the millionth time. I was nervous. My blood was racing through my veins, my heart was probably beating way to fast and my hands were shaking like leafs in a winter breeze.

I sat there, in my room, waiting for the night to fall, I was leaving, leaving forever. It was a decision that had to be made. It was for the sake of everyone.
I was tapping my foot rapidly on the floor and my lip was starting to hurt from biting on it. If I kept doing it I would probably draw blood. Biting my lip is one of my many habits for when I get nervous or impatient.

I felt sick. Just thinking about leaving the castle made me feel heavy-hearted. Till this very moment I hadn't realized that a salty liquid was trickling down my cheek. Those traitor tears.

I was tired of crying, I had cried way to much lately and it showed weakness. I wasn't weak.

'Yes you are!' Rue taunted. I quickly wiped away my tears and swallowed my sadness. My wolf had been hard on me since this morning. This was the first time that she started talking to me again. She had cut connections ever since I told my mom that I won't be returning.

It made me sad that Rue wasn't there to help me through this. I needed her. I needed her to understand my decision, because no one else did. But neither did she.

I felt bad for my parents though. They have always told me that Caden is a good man, ruthless and dangerous but good none the less. He was a true warrior, trained to kill and protect. He was respected and feared by almost everyone.

They always told me to give him a chance, but they never forced me to go to him. They respected my choice even if they didn't agree with it.

But I had made up my mind. I'm leaving tonight.

'Please Riley, don't do this.' Rue whimpered. It hurt me mentally and psychically but I was not changing my mind.

'I'm sorry Rue.' I whispered. She doesn't understand. I could never be with Caden. I don't understand why the moon goddess had put me and Caden together.

'I hate you!!' Rue hollered. A cold shiver went through my body as I felt the warmth a wolf normally shared with its human disappear. Suddenly I felt like something was missing and I couldn't feel the presence of my wolf anymore.

I felt empty. What had Rue done? Why can't I feel her anymore? She can't leave me now, I need her!

''Rue!' I pleaded. But my words just echoed back at me inside my own head. It was as if she wasn't there anymore.

A soft knock on my door snapped me out of my sad thoughts. "Come in." I spoke softly, not wanting my voice to break.

My dad's head peered around my door and he gave me a sad smile. "I think it's time." He whispered. I nodded my head. I put a smile on my face. I didn't want to worry my parents even more. They were already having a hard time.

"Just give me some more time." I begged. Not wanting to leave my room. All the memories. My childhood, the place I grew up. The place I learned everything from my parents.

"Riley, if you want to get out of the castle on time then we have to leave now." He whispered. I sighed and nodded. I knew he was right. I got up from my bed and walked over to the door. I grabbed the handle, pulling the door open and walking out.

I turned around one last time. Taking in the sight of my room. The baby blue walls, I remembered my dad painting my room. I asked for navy blue but my dad mixed it with white because he thought that the navy blue would be too dark and that I might get scared if it was dark. That was last year. I loved my dad, I had a great bond with him and he has always been really protective over me.

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