Chapter 11

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Hey guys! First of all I want to apologize for the last update. I know you were expecting a new chapter and it wasn't. I am so sorry. Also I am really trying to pick up my stories again but it's going slow :( I am not used to it anymore but I am trying so please just stick with me and I promise I will update.

Check out my other account too though! It would really mean a lot to me.

Also sorry for the many POV changes... it's been a while since I wrote and I'm trying to get the hang of it again :p

--> Caden's body in the shower ;)

Chapter 11:

Riley's POV

My hands started to shake as Caden's eyes turned a darker shade of green. I nervously gulped down another bite and put down the fork. I averted my gaze. His sudden change of demeanor frightened me. I knew his wolf had surfaced.

His wolf was ruthless. I knew the rumors about Ray were true, he was dangerous. I called my wolf for help. I needed to know that she was there to protect me as well. Even though I didn't stand a chance against Caden's wolf.

"I-I don't want to talk." I mumbled, I wasn't ready, and I didn't want to talk to Ray, he scared me. He growled at that.
"You don't have a choice. I want answers." He hissed. I shook my head as tears threatened to fall. "I'm not ready." I admitted. I was still eyeing my now empty plate in front of me when I heard the scraping sound of his chair against the floor, the chair fell and a growl echoed through the kitchen, sending shivers to my very core.

He slammed his fists on the table, causing it to crack slightly from the force. I jumped up and ran towards the counter, grabbing on to it for my dear life. My eyes searching for a way to protect myself. I saw a knife block and grabbed a knife from its hold. I held it close to me, waiting for his wolf to attack me.

"Put the knife down." He grumbled, "I deserve to know." I shook my head.
"You didn't give me a choice when you ran 4 years ago." He stated, trapping me against the counter, "tell me little mate" he smirked, a hint of evil present in his voice. My heart frantically beating in my chest, "why would I give you a choice now?"

He squatted down in front of me, yet he still towered over my cowering form. He reached out for the knife, waiting for me to hand it over. "Give me the knife."
I lifted my gaze and met with light green eyes again. His wolf wasn't in control anymore. Hesitantly I dropped the knife in his hand. He breathed out in relief and put the knife away.

"Look Riley, we have to talk about it some time. I can't wait for it. I have a right to know." He grumbled, clearly still angry with me. I nodded.

"I have a lot of questions. I don't know you at all, Riley." He admitted. I nodded again. He was right but I couldn't help but be scared. What would he do when he finds out what rank I am? Would he hurt my family for helping me hide from him?

Caden's POV

'I want answers.' Ray snapped.
'I do too. But you can't frighten her like that.' I hissed in anger.

'The big bad alpha warrior is turning soft now?' he taunted, anger shot through me. I wasn't soft. I never had a weakness, that's why I made such a great warrior. And now I do, Riley. But I'm not weak, I will not turn soft. Not even for my mate.

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