A Small Miscalculation

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Chapter 3: A Small Miscalculation


Bruce POV


            I frowned as I looked at the formula. What had made the reaction go wrong? I could have sworn I had used the correct amounts of the proper chemicals. I sighed and leaned back in my chair in contemplation. Terresa walked in and leaned on the wall. “You look frustrated. What’s wrong?”

            I leaned on my hands. “This formula, I don’t expect you to understand, just keeps not ending properly. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.” My brow furrowed as I thought about it.

            I didn’t expect her to come and look at the formula that was on the sheet of paper. She made a small humming noise as she thought. “Oh! I see what you are doing wrong. You are using too much of that acid and it’s over powering the rather strong base. I honestly would suggest you use this.” She pointed out the mistakes and wrote down the correct formula.

            It was then that it dawned on me. “Oh! I see what you are saying now. Why didn’t I think of that? Thank you Terresa.”

            She smiled. “It’s not a problem Bruce. I have a passion for chemistry. If you would like we can try it and see if it works this time.”

            I smiled and stood up. “We can do it together. I have a strong feeling that the new formula will work out now.”

            After a few minutes of preparation and set up, Terresa and I began to combine the ingredients in the correct order. When we added the final chemical, it turned a light shade of purple. Just as we finished Tony walked in. “Hey Bruce, have you finished the new fuel for my suit that will last longer? Oh hey Tornado gal!”

            Terresa rolled her eyes. “Hey there old man.” She walked away from the counter and put her gloves in the wastebasket.

            “I resent that statement!” Tony playfully glared at her and shook his head whilst leaning on the wall.

            “Don’t you mean you represent that?” She smirked and began washing the equipment we used.

            I chuckled. “Yes Tony, the fuel is ready for your experiments and such. Terresa figured out what was wrong.” I moved around the lab putting things up as she finished cleaning them.

            Tony grinned gleefully and took the flask of liquid. “Oh! Pretty.”

            “Bruce, I didn’t know he had ooh shiny disorder.” Terri grinned at me with a twinkle in her eyes.

            I laughed. “Why do you think he wears a shiny suit? He wants to call his own kind so they can ‘ooh shiny’ together. You didn’t know?”

            Tony pouted. “I don’t think I like your attitudes, such cruel people.”

            Terri laughed and hugged Tony. “Oh Tony, didn’t you know it takes one to know one.”

            He smirked. “Yes it does ‘oh shiny’ victim.” He went to grab for her and went through her as she became one with the air again. “Really Terri? Really?”

            She grinned and nodded. “Yup, I just couldn’t resist it.”

            He chuckled. “You would do that. Somehow you remind me of Loki.”

            Her head tilted to the side. “You mean the god of mischief and lies?” Tony nodded and she scowled. “I honestly wouldn’t be able to stand him. I hate liars. I can’t stand them actually.”

            Tony backed up at the expression. “Good to know. Can I lie when playing BS though?”

            Terri rolled her eyes. “I suppose. I don’t ever play that though. It just doesn’t feel right to me.”

            I chuckled and went back to my computer to log the data. “Tony, go test out the formula we made. I need the rest of the information so we can put it into production for your suit.”

            Tony nodded. “Fine workaholic, I will get on that.”

            I chuckled. “Thanks Tony.” Terri walked over to me and placed her head on my shoulder. “Yes? What are you doing?”

            She grinned at me. “Nothing at the moment, so, since I’m rather bored, I am bothering you.”

            I gave a silent laugh and continued typing. “I see. Is Thor not around to spar with?”

            She sniffed. “No he isn’t. He had to go do some errand for Director Fury or some such.”

            I grinned. “What about Natasha and Clint? They might be good sparring partners.”

            She perked up. “Ooh! You’re right. I may go see if they are willing. Thanks Bruce.” She kissed my cheek and ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2013 ⏰

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