A Tour and A Drink

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Chapter Two: A Tour and a Drink

Terresa POV

            I smiled to myself as Steve led me through the base. His arm was hard as rock and so muscular. I could have just fallen into his arms and never left them for -

Where did that thought come from?

            He showed me the mess hall, the briefing room, and various other places before we stopped at an elevator. “Terri, above the Shield base is Stark Tower. In essence, Tony built the base for Shield. In all likelihood, you will have your own floor to yourself by the end of next week. Until then, there is a bed that can be pulled out of the wall in the guest room that can also be used for an office. Natasha and Clint keep that very organized, so it won’t be a mess.” He acted as though Tony building a floor in a week at random was normal, which, it likely was.

            I smiled as the elevator came down. “Well, I guess that is Tony for you.” I chuckled quietly. Steve’s cheeks got a bit red upon hearing me laugh before he smiled at me.

            “It is Tony for you. One time I was gone for a day or two, and when I came back, he had built a whole other lab for Bruce and added onto his own.” He shook his head at the memory with another handsome smile.

Where do all these thoughts keep coming from…?

            I covered my mouth demurely as I laughed again. “I bet that was rather shocking.”

            Steve’s eye crinkled as he smiled. “Why were you in Germany anyway?”

            I grinned. “Well, I was visiting my great Uncle on my Mom’s side of the family. I believe you actually know him.”

            Steve looked at me a bit confused. “Why would you say that?”

            I laughed. “Well, you did save his life from a certain mischievous god a couple of years ago. Before you ask, yes, he is still just as brave as he was. He has more bravery in his pinky that Loki does in his entire body.”

            Steve covered his mouth in shock while laughing. “That he does. I was actually quite proud of him for that. It took a lot to do what he did.” He shook his head, still grinning as the elevator came up to the entry level of Stark Tower.

            Tony was already there. “Well there are the two love birds. I was wondering how long it would take you to get up here.” He grinned as Steve flushed a bright shade of red. “Want a drink, Hurricane Terri?”

            Bruce walked in with a glass of water. “She just got here and you already have a nick name for her? Really Tony?” He sat down on the couch and rolled his eyes.

            I giggled at Bruce’s face. “Apparently so Dr. Banner. Tony, I’ll just have water, Thank you.”

            Bruce gave a small grin. “Just call me Bruce. There is no need for you to have to be formal when we aren’t.”

            Steve smiled as I walked over to get the water from Tony before he sat down next to Bruce. “Tony, you built this place, you show her around.”

            I saw Tony roll his eyes. “Fine then Steve, you just sit there and have a good time with Bruce then.” He walked out from behind the bar and pulled me along by wrapping his arm around my shoulders. “Steve probably already told you that you will have your own floor by next week, if not sooner.”

            I laughed. “Yes, he did. Apparently you are a bit notorious with things like that.” I could see the smirk on his face.

            “Not notorious. Famous. It’s not a bad thing that I can build quickly.” He sipped his drink.

            I smirked. “Yes, it is likely a very good thing, considering all the collateral damage you guys cause.

            He chuckled at my quip. “Well, better destructive and good than destructive and evil.”

            I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. “True indeed, Destructive Force.”

            He gave me a look. “Really now, you’re calling me that?”

            I smiled innocently. “Turn-about is fair play there Tony.”

            He laughed and gave me a squeeze. “That it is. Here is where you will be sleeping until further notice. I have already had Jarvis bring up all your stuff and pull out the bed. It’s heated for when it is cold and it can also be cooled for when it is hot. Hell, Jarvis can even provide you breakfast in bed.” He opened the door and revealed a fairly simple room. Of course, since it was Tony Stark who built the room, I figured that it wasn’t actually that simple.

            I shook my head with a smile. “Only you would do something like this Tony. Like I said: notorious.”

            He laughed and pinched my arm lightly. “And I believe I said it was famous not notorious.”

            I rolled my eyes and nudged him with my arm. “So you did Iron Bland.” I giggled at his ‘Really?’ face that he gave me.

            “Is that so Breezy?” He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder making me squeak and go threw him as I became ethereal.

            “Tony! Don’t do that!” I laughed and used the air to lift me up. “Why must you be such a cruel person; scaring an innocent girl like me?”

            Tony looked at me and shook his head. “Innocent my-“Steve ran in and interrupted him.

            “Is everything alright? I heard a scream.” His blue eyes screamed ‘panic’ and he was defensive.

            I giggled. “We are fine. Tony just picked me up and scared the crap out of me. You know how he is.” I walked over to Steve and hugged him with a small blush. His arms wrapped around me in a protective manner.

            He muttered under his breath, “Thank god.” And I blushed even brighter. I snuggled my head into his chest because I felt like it. Besides all that, it was very comfortable to be exactly where I was.

            Tony cooed under his breath. Apparently he thought we were cute together or something of the sort. I guessed that, when a five foot five girl is hugging a six foot something man, it is perceived as ‘cute’ by everyone else. Not that I really minded…

            I felt Steve shake his head and give me a small squeeze. “Shut up Tony.” He sighed. He let me out of the hug and smiled at me.

I laughed and walked through him to refill my drink. “Oh you.”

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