Chapter 4

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~ Vincent ~

"Let's be partners." I told her. Her response was dead. "I prefer to work alone." She said. "Why?" I asked. It seems like she's never worked with anyone else but herself. "Your so independent. Why do you like working with others?" I asked her. "Working with others is a drag. They all slow you down. Group work takes like a week to complete depending on the task. But if I work by myself, I could finish half of the project within a day or so. I don't need your help or anyone else's." Answered Yume. "C'mon! Give it a try. It'll be fun." I tried to persuade her. "Fun? No. It's a hassle. Why do you keep persisting? Your annoying you know. Leave me alone. I don't want to work with anyone by myself." She angrily. She then pushed me using her arm again like last time and picked up her books. It didn't hurt as much though. "You sure are something." I spoke. "What's that suppose to mean?" She questioned me in a way as if it was suppose to be an insult or something. "Nothing really. Your just... unique. You don't like to work with others, you rarely attend class yet have the best grades enough to score onto the top 50 nationals exam, spend all your time in the library, and isn't afraid to hurt anyone or say what's on your mind." I stated.

"W-what?!" She said startled and a bit flustered. "How do you know all this? Do you stalk me or something? Y-your a creep! Stalker! Idiot! Weirdo!" She shouted out. "I looked into you a bit. Your interesting." I told her. "How did you even get access into my files?" She questioned me. "I have my ways." I said. "A friend of mine was gladly willing to help me." I added on to my explanation. "Creep." She stated flat out. I walked towards her and started playing with her hair. I caught her scent. She smelled really nice. "You smell nice." I said resting my chin on top of her head. "Your still touching me, idiot." She said looking up to me. I gazed into her eyes, they were pretty. "What?" She said staring back into my eyes. "Your eyes sparkle like the stars. Can I wish upon them for you to be mine?" I chuckled. I was then pushed away.

~ Yume ~

That was stupid and idiotic. He's giving even more of a bad impression of himself. I hate such players like that. "What was that for?" Asked Vincent. He stretched his arm out and reached for me. I then slapped his arm away from me. I don't know what he was planning to do, but I didn't like him touching me. "Let me clearly get this out to you. I hate people like you. Your all assholes. Your idiots. I'm not like any of the girls here. I won't get caressed by your words or actions. I have no intentions of working with you or befriending you, or falling for you either. So leave me alone. Don't talk to me, don't touch me, don't go looking into my personal files." I sputtered out furiously. "Geez, why so tense? Can't take a few jokes? Lighten up!" Complained Vincent. "Lighten up?" I questioned in an aggravated tone. "You say the most stupidest and idiotic things to girls and aim to make up fall for you yet you don't mean anything. You basically toy with their feelings and shit. You do things for your own desire. I don't tolerate people like you. I hate people like you. I want to shove you all off a cliff, or better yet, the CN Tower. I'm not going to be slowed down or waste my time with people like you." I scolded Vincent. "Not like other girls eh?" Vincent said leaning on the wall trying to act and pose all cool with a grin on his face.

~ Vincent ~

I leaned to the side of the wall. She thinks I'm bad? "You think I'm bad?" I questioned her. "You girls aren't any treat either you know? You highly demand everything! You wear a bunch of make up, take forever to get ready. You spent hours shopping when most of the times you go into stores and spent like 3 hours in there and end up buying nothing. You demand so much in a relationship. You have anniversaries every fricken ass week, month, and--" I was rudely interrupted by her once again. "Your an idiot. I'm not like that. I have no need to spend all my time in a mall for something so useless. Some of you guys spend a long, long time getting ready too. You simply spent hours combing your hair. Oh dear god. Your hair is so short and you take so long for something like that?" She responded. "Need I remind you, I'm not like those types of girls. I'm not weak like them and I'm much more acknowledgeable than them." Yume added on to her statement.

"Your very much like some of the girls I've encountered." I blurted out. She then gave me a harsh furious glare. I continued to make my point. "You act all cold hearted, have no needs for things like friends, shun everything and everyone else out of your life. Eventually, as I get to know you more, you turn out to be kind hearted and loving person and you'll fall in love with me. It happens all the time. Your a tsun. A tsundere." I felt a swing of wind, aiming for my face. I immediately grabbed Yume's hand and pushed her against the wall.

We made eye contact. Although, she seemed to have wanted to kill me at that point with what I said. Anger showed within her eyes. "I assume you know what that means don't you? Tsundere, a Japanese word used to describe the personality of someone who is cold on the outside but is kind on the inside, so, basically, you. Also, your name, Yume. It's a Japanese name and word, meaning dream. Everyone here pronounces your name as Yumi when it's really said as Yu - meh." She looked away, she didn't bother to talk.

~ Yume ~

How much does this idiot know? What a creep. Stalker. I feel violated. He still kept talking, I didn't listen so I don't know what he said. I did happen to hear one thing though. "Not listening?" I was startled and gasped for a bit. The way he said it was odd. It was creepy. I still didn't answer him though. I just looked away in the other direction. "This should get your attention." He said. What? I was thinking. What is this idiot planni--"Chu." (Meaning kiss in Japanese.) He murmured. I forcefuly pushed him away. "Beh." He said playfully while sticking out his tounge. "Idiot." I said and turned away and started to walk. I then suddenly felt a strong force on my arm, it pulled me back.

~ Vincent ~

"You know, your cute when you blush." I said turning and holding her face up towards mine. She blushed once again and tried to get lose of my grip and push away but I pulled her back. "Your an asshole." She shouted out. "Whatever you say." I whispered in her ear and wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her inwards to me. "You'll still fall for me. I guarantee it." I whispered. Another swing of wind aimed for my face, but I was too late this time. She hit me, and man it hurt! "Oww! Heyy! Was that really needed?" I asked.

~ Yume ~

That pissed me off. I swung my arm and slapped him. He asked me if that was needed. Really? Really? Must I need to answer that? I took both of his arms and tripped his legs and flung him on the ground. "I am highly skilled. I know how to aim a gun and fire it. I can take you down. Try me if you wish." I said in a superior high manner. "I will not, I repeat, I will not fall for you. I'd rather be shoved off the CN Tower. I hate you. I will serverly hurt you if you try to pull anything like that again." I left the school and didn't bother to come back after lunch. I went home and stayed home.


End of this chapter. 

Thanks for reading! >w<

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