9. Take me home

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"I—I think so," I cough as tears stream down my face. Reaching for my phone on the ground, I notice the cracked screen.

He cracked the screen, great.

I sit up, leaning my back against the wall, and Louis sits down across from me. "What a dick," he mutters, adjusting his beanie. It must've slipped during the scuffle. His golden doodle plops down beside him, tail wagging softly.

"I know," I sigh, sliding my phone into my pocket. As I do, I feel something else inside—something familiar.

Is that what I think it is?

I pull out a broken cigarette and a lighter. "Just my luck," I chuckle bitterly, the sound caught between tears and disbelief.

"Here," Louis says, pulling out a pack of cigarettes from his jacket. "I think you could use one."

"Thanks." I take one from the pack and light it, the smoke burning my sore throat. Louis lights his own and takes a slow drag.

"I'm Louis, by the way," he says, breaking the silence.

"Amber." I glance at him, then down at my feet. "Sorry for ruining your afternoon like this."

"No way. I'm glad I was here," Louis replies, exhaling smoke. "Who knows what he could've done if I hadn't been."

"Yeah, definitely. Thank you... for saving me." My voice cracks as I stare at the ground.

Louis gives me a small, reassuring smile. "I just hope his broken nose doesn't cause you any trouble," he says, shifting uncomfortably on the cold ground.

"There's no way I'm ever speaking to him again," I reply firmly.

"Good," he says, the corner of his mouth twitching into a half-smile. "How's your throat feeling?"

I unzip my coat halfway and tilt my head. "Do you see any bruising?"

Louis leans forward, his face close enough that I can feel his breath against my skin. "Not yet," he says after a moment, pulling back.

"It's definitely sore," I admit, pressing on my glands. "Shit, this might cost me my spot at X Factor bootcamp."

"Oh, you're going to bootcamp too?" Louis asks, surprised.

I feign surprise. "You too? What a coincidence!"

"Yeah that's what I'm here for. I auditioned this morning. I'm staying at the hotel down the street so I didn't have to travel up and down to Doncaster for one night." He explains.

"Ah, so you came packed already? Like you knew you'd get in? Cocky much?" I tease, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly.

"Glad you're feeling good enough to joke," Louis says, smiling. He stubs out his cigarette and gestures at me. "You want to try standing up?"

"Yeah, sure." I put out my cigarette as he gets to his feet.

"Good, because the ground's cold as hell," he jokes, holding out his hands. I take them, letting him help me up.

My knees wobble slightly, but I find my balance. "You good?" Louis asks.

"Yeah, just give me a second." I steady myself, gripping his arm briefly before standing fully upright. "Okay, I'm good."

Bruce barks, and Louis grabs his leash. Before we leave the alley, I glance both ways to make sure John is really gone.

"Want me to walk you home?" Louis asks. Then he rephrases: "I'm walking you home."

"Thanks. It's not far, I promise," I say with a weak smile.

Bruce sniffs my hand enthusiastically before licking it.

"Bruce, come here," Louis calls, but I wave him off.

"It's fine," I say, crouching slightly to pet the dog. "Hello, little fella." I say and pet him on the head.

"My house is this way," I say, pointing to the right, and we start walking.

After a few moments, Louis speaks up. "I can't believe I haven't asked, but... do you want to go to the police? For what he did to you?"

"No," I reply quickly. "Let's just leave it. He hurt me, you hurt him. We're even. Sort of." I zip my coat up fully against the cold. "Now, let's forget about it."

Louis looks a bit surprised. "If that's what you want," he says softly, then hesitates. "But I am giving you my number, in case you ever want to talk about it."

"Thanks," I say. "The screen's cracked, but I think it still works." I hand him my phone, and he types his number in.

"Saved it under Louis Tomlinson. Text me anytime." He hands the phone back with a smile.

"This is me," I say, stopping in front of my driveway. Louis glances at the house, and a moment later, my mother opens the door.

She must have seen us standing outside from the kitchen window.

"Amber, who's this?" she asks, her tone friendly. "And where's John?"

"This is Louis," I say quickly. "Long story, but John and I broke up."

"Hi, Amber's mum!" Louis waves cheerfully, and Bruce barks in greeting.

"You can come in for a bit, if you want," I offer, turning to Louis.

"Sure," he says, stepping forward. "Is it okay if I bring Bruce inside?" he asks my mother.

"Of course! He's welcome too," she says, petting Bruce affectionately. "Have you eaten yet, Louis?"

"I don't know if Louis has time, Mum," I interject, kicking off my shoes and hanging up my coat. "He probably needs to pack for bootcamp."

"Oh, how lovely—another contestant!" she exclaims.

Louis smiles. "I actually haven't had dinner yet, but I don't want to impose."

"Nonsense," my mother insists. "I made enough for five, expecting John to stay." She turns to me,"and your father is working late at the office tonight so he's not having dinner either."

"In that case, I'd love to stay," Louis says, smiling as he unties his shoes.

"In that case, I'd love to stay," Louis says, smiling as he unties his shoes

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