7. Sandwiches and Morzarella Sticks

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Minutes later, we arrive at the crowded tavern. Apparently, we weren't the only ones with the great idea to celebrate. We end up sitting at the bar, as there are no tables left. Not that I mind — this way, our mothers are a little more isolated from us.

I sit between Karen and Liam, with Jade on the other side of him and my mother next to Karen. The barman places a mouthwatering sandwich in front of me.

"Cheers," I say, salivating at the beautifully presented bread.

"I can't believe you auditioned on an empty stomach," Liam comments, leaning on the bar with one arm, resting his head on his hand.

"Don't watch me eat!" I snap with a mouthful.

"But you look like a cute little fairy munching on that sandwich," Liam says, his smile teasing.

I narrow my eyes at him.

"See? That's not scary. You're even cute when you're angry." He laughs but straightens up on the stool.

"Guys, I'm so excited for boot camp!" Jade bursts out, her voice full of enthusiasm.

"Yeah it's a really good place to learn." Liam agrees.

"Doing it together with my sister is what makes it special." I wink at Jade.

"I wonder if we'll get to see each other or if they're going to keep boys and girls separate. It would be a shame if you finally made a friend and you wouldn't even get to see him!" Jade teases.

"Oh Jade shut up I have plenty friends." I throw a balled-up napkin at her.

"It would be a shame though, if we didn't get to hang out during boot camp," I mutter, feeling a small pit in my stomach.

"We'll see each other." Liam reassures me, sipping on his well-deserved margarita. "I already went once remember. They keep the sleeping quarters separate and we'll eat sleep and breathe singing lessons. But we can do lunch and see what the schedule allows."

"Sleeping quarters? I thought they would just sent us home at the end of the day." I say, surprised.

"Oh no, you thought all of us had for fly home every day? We won't even get to see our family much." Liam explains.

I guess I didn't realize that because I live so close to the X Factor recording studio. Good thing I got through then, I really believed I could just ride along on my sister's card to find the boys.

"That's why I'm so happy we get to do it together!" Jade raises both her arms in excitement.

"Cheers to that!" I lift my margarita and clink the glass with both of them.

"Actually, let me order some mozzarella sticks in marinara sauce. I'm getting hungry just looking at your sandwich," Liam says, eyeing my food.

"You want a bite?" I offer, holding out a piece of sandwich.

"You sure?" He looks surprised.

"Yeah, I'll trade you for a mozzarella stick," I laugh.

Liam looks at the sandwich, then at me, and after a moment, he agrees. "That sandwich looks too good. I'll trade you."

He bites into the piece I'm holding out. But the tomato slips in the thick sauce and slides out from between the bread. He catches it mid-air and pops it into his mouth.

"Stealing my whole ass tomato now, are we?" I tease as we both laugh.

"Sir, we'd like some mozzarella sticks, bread, and garlic butter... and extra olives for the two ladies at the end of the table, please!" Liam calls out to the bartender, wiping his sauce-covered hand with a napkin. The bartender nods, yelling the order to the kitchen.

"That sandwich is really good though." Liam says, looking back at me.

We finish the snacks and margaritas while we chat with our mothers for a bit.

I actually can't believe what a kind kid Liam actually is. How normal he is. I guess I never fully realized that he's actually just a human too.

"Are you ready to go Liam?" Karen asks, standing with her coat on. "We've still got to get you repacked. Your stuff is spread all over the hotel room." She holds out Liam's coat so he can slip right into it.

Liam looks at me, almost a bit disappointed that this lunch is over now. "Yeah let's go." He says, getting up from the barstool.

Shit we gotta go pack too.

"Yeah ladies we're going to have to pack too. Your father is almost here with the car." My mother calls out to us.

I hate it when she calls my stepfather father.

"Let's go!" Jade jumps up, grabbing her coat.

"You're so lucky we live only 20 minutes away from the X Factor studio," I tell Jade. "If we had to pack and stay at a hotel and you only told me a few hours before, I would've killed you."

"I just thought that it would be best to just say I was doing it alone. If I told you I signed you up too you'd never do it." She says.

She's not wrong.

Liam and his mother wait for us to get ready to leave and we walk out together.

"It was really nice to meet you, Karen," I hear my mother say.

"Likewise. You've got my number, right? Maybe we can do margaritas sometime without the kids," Karen suggests.

The mothers start their goodbyes, and I turn to Liam.

"Well, girls. I thought you both were amazing today," Liam says, giving Jade a quick hug.

"You did amazing too," Jade says, pulling away.

"You really proved yourself," I smile at him as he approaches.

Liam moves into my space, wrapping his arms around me. I return the hug, squeezing him a little tighter, as if I don't want to let go.

I sense that he wants to say something, so I loosen my grip slightly and look up into his eyes. My arms are still around his neck, his hands resting on my hips.

"I'll see you very soon," he smiles.

Just as my stepfather's car pulls up, Liam and I break apart.

"See you soon," I say, getting into the backseat.

Liam looks a little sad, giving a small wave as we drive off.

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